If you are a PHP developer and you want to learn how to write better code , with fewer bugs , you will need to know how to write unit tests . Learn how to unit test your PHP code using the PHPUnit testing framework. Learn what unit tests are Learn how to write unit tests using PHPUnit Build a test suite for PHP functions and classes Make test methods dependent on each other Use test doubles: mocks and stubs, including how to use Mockery Learn how and why you should use dependency injection Learn test-driven development (TDD) Learn how to test protected and private methods and properties (and whether you actually should or not!) Learn how to test abstract classes A skill that will enable you to write higher quality code, in a shorter time, with better documentation and fewer bugs. Learning how to write unit tests for your code will make you write better code. With automated tests, you can find bugs more easily, and if you break something you'll notice straight away. Many experienced developers write unit tests for their code. It's a repeatable way of checking that the code works as intended, and also serves as documentation. Many popular PHP projects are unit tested, such as WordPress and Moodle , and if you use frameworks such as Laravel or Symfony , these provide tight integration with the PHPUnit testing framework. Content and Overview How do you currently test your code? Maybe you run your code in a browser, use var_dump a lot and so on. The problem with this is that you only tend to test new code - you don't go back and test old code. What if you add some new code that breaks the old code? With automated unit tests, you have more control. If your new code breaks something, you'll notice straight away. You can fix bugs more easily, thereby reducing development time. Tests are also a form of documentation, just like comments: they serve to show why the code has been written that way. Suitable for all PHP developers, you'll start by learning the basics of unit testing PHP code, including how to use assertions . Then you'll learn how to test functions and classes , and how to configure the PHPUnit framework. Next you'll learn how to use test dependencies , fixtures and how to test for exceptions. You'll also see how test doubles work - mock objects and stub methods . Then you'll learn how to write code using test-driven development - writing the tests first, then the code. You'll also learn how to test protected and private class methods and properties , and whether this is actually a good idea or not. Testing static methods is covered in detail, including several methods for dealing with static dependencies . When you complete the course you'll be able to write unit tests for your existing PHP code, and develop new code using test-driven development. Complete with all the code shown in the lectures, you'll be able to work alongside the instructor and will receive a verifiable certificate of completion upon finishing the course. Also, at all times throughout the course you have access to the instructor in the Q&A section to ask for help with any topic related to the course. Enrol now and add unit testing to your PHP skillset!
    Explore PHP learn about common PHP functionality for better coding. Basic understanding of PHP is a prerequeist to this course, it is designed for beignners with PHP understanding.  The course covers common PHP coding questions in addition to useful code examples. Review with examples of common PHP questions.  Build upon the basics of PHP with this next steps course to help you learn more about what PHP can do and how you can create your own applications. Experience the power of PHP Explore PHP, within the course we demonstrate some of the most commonly used PHP code.  Course centers around common mistakes that beginners make and useful functionality to help you code more productively. This fast paced course includes all the source code used within the course, in addition to fully explained examples, and links to the top resources to get you coding quickly.  Jump right and and start writing PHP code.  The course is taught by a web developer with over 15 years of PHP coding experience.   Find answers to common questions about PHP.  Learn to write PHP for the real world! See PHP in action and explore different ways to output content into HTML for web users. Discover the difference between echo and print and how to use them Examples of different number types Var dump for more information about variables Common errors and how to debug them Server variables, includes, deleting files and variables Working with arrays The power of string functions Plus a whole lot more PHP is a perfect scripting language for beginners, learn how to use it and see it in action.  Examples and script demonstrations to get you started quickly. Learn more about PHP, I'm ready to answer any questions you may have.  Start creating your own PHP applications today.
      How to Build With PHP/Create Social Networking Website like Facebook , Twitter? Wanted to build your own Social Networking Website? And don’t know  where to start from? Don’t worry, this Course will show you step by step how to create your own Twitter Clone using PHP , MySQL , JQuery As you may already know Twitter is one of the most popular and best Social Networking Website. So why not learn to make your own Twitter Social Networking website? It doesn't matter if your a beginner or an experienced programmer , just you have to know the basics of PHP , MySQL , HTML , CSS and JQuery. This course will greatly and highly beneficial to you. And by the end of this course you will capable of creating your own Social Networking website, not only this you will also be more than competent with skills PHP , PDO , OOP , MySQL and jQuery . You can highlight the site you create in this course, If anyone who see’s this project in your portfolio might want to hire you because from this course you will gain skills which help you to understand the main concept used to build social networks . So get the ULTIMATE guide to create the High-end social networking website Twitter clone. Support By taking this course will get my full support . I’m always loved to help my students (could be you). I’ve answered all that question that students asked so far . I’m always in ninja mood, if there’s been question it’ll be answered within an hour or few . By all this mean is if you have any error . I'll be happy to check codes, errors. This Course Covers The Following Features: • Login & Sign-up Systems • Users Profiles • Users Timeline • Users Tweets • Users Retweets • Users Comments • News Feeds • Hashtags & Mention Users • Top Trending Posts • Posts & Images Popups • Messages and Chat System • Follow and Unfollow System • Notification System •And Much More. Please look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered. Some of my students reviews: Some Firstly the course was well presented the templates made were easier for say newbies to development the instructor Aizaz not only is he very adapt but very patient and always there to help give out advice and more importantly listens\ ******************************************************************************************************* One of the most in-depth and instructive teachers i have had the pleasure of doing a course with. Helped when ever asked a question without fail and went way beyond normal assistance with me. Aizaz overall was superb in teaching this course and taught me wonderful new tricks. 10/10 Class Quality! ******************************************************************************************************* Excellent course and teacher! Recommend to anyone who wants to learn PHP and also create a real project. The teacher is willing to answer questions if something was not completely understood in the video explanations. I highly recommend :) ******************************************************************************************************* Mentor will explain each and everything neatly that anyone can understand easily.At first starting this course I didn't know much about php and html but I am learning many extra things which will help in future from mentor.Thank you ***************************End of Reviews ***********************
        Do you want to become an expert backend web developer? Or maybe you’ve got a solid understanding of HTML and CSS but still aren't sure how all this PHP and MySQLi relates to the real world? If so, this course is perfect for you! In this course, I will teach you step by step how to create an auction site COMPLETELY from scratch using PHP and MySQLi. Okay, so what’s the course about? In this course, we will create an auction website from scratch using HTML, CSS, PHP and MySQLi. After completing this website, you can be certain: you are proficient with HTML and CSS you are familiar with PHP and MySQLi and how they work together with frontend programming. you know how to use all the above to build a real project and much more! Line by line explanation: I'll actually explain to you why I'm writing each line of code. Support: By enrolling in this course, you will have my COMPLETE support. I love helping students out and am ready to answer any question you may have: programming issues, errors, general programming advice - it doesn't matter! Fun! Finally, you’ll discover that programming  is actually a lot of fun! What are you waiting for?
          One of the biggest PHP Courses in UDEMY ........ Best Rated PHP course on UDEMY...... Over 90,000 Students taking this course already......... BEST Reviewed PHP beginners course for a reason..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you new to PHP or need a refresher? Then this course will help you get all the fundamentals of Procedural PHP, Object Oriented PHP, MYSQLi, and ending the course by building a CMS system similar to WordPress, Joomla, or Drupal. Knowing PHP has allowed me to make enough money to stay home and make courses like this one for students all over the world. Being a PHP developer can allow anyone to make really good money online and offline, developing dynamic applications. Knowing PHP will allow you to build web applications, websites or Content Management systems, like WordPress, Facebook, Twitter or even Google. There is no limit to what you can do with this knowledge. PHP is one of the most important web programming languages to learn, and knowing it, will give you SUPER POWERS in the web development world and job market place. Why? Because Millions of websites and applications (the majority) use PHP. You can find a job anywhere or even work on your own, online and in places like freelancer or Odesk. You can definitely make a substantial income once you learn it. Some of my students reviews for this course and others Holy cr********* Readed some books about PHP but it was such boring that i never finished a book and withhold me from learning, this course helped me out straight.. After seeing a free tut on youtube i subscribed the course and jeez, i don't even need goals to get or stay motivated cause i have the instructor: Edwin Diaz, his way of teaching is friggin awesome (and fun) and easy listening! To be honest its keeping me away from bed xD.. I really really love the course. If i need to describe the course from my personal view, one word: Epic! Really looking forward for the stuff that will be added in the future! Great job and thumbs up! Greetings from a Dutchy Best PHP course************ This course is just awesome. You will learn the basics and then you will jump to making your own CMS. Every little piece of code is described very well, so you exactly know, what you are doing. After finishing this course I was ready to make my own social networking site and that's amazing isn't it? Another great part of this course is its instructor, who helps you with every issue you have in short time. I've have already done many internet courses, but this is definetly the best one. The Best Php course made FUN and EASY worth The Money!!! ************* Hi Edwin You have made 'learning PHP very fun an easy to follow. I got so many ideas that I want to do and had been searching around for 3 years now looking for the right course and lecturer that will help me fulfill my dream. I want to thank you that I have gone through more than half of your online course now and I am still interested to complete it. Thank you for your motivation and kind words. It what keeps me going and I know that once I finish this, I will be able to achieve my goal. I believe that your course is the key to my success in fulfilling my dream. AND the best part is the Lecturer always replies to your questions The best course I have taken so far *************** Every programming course I have taken until now has been extremely boring and I found it difficult to concentrate, but your course was clear, entertaining and kept me hooked till the very end. I remember everything I learnt in your course and have gained a deeper understanding of terms and methodologies that seems incomprehensible until now. Thank you ***************************End of Reviews *********************** My Promise to You I created this course not just to make money but to teach you the knowledge that will help you with PHP since I was in your shoes some years ago. If you need support, I will be just a message or an email away. I love what I do, but most importantly I love when my students succeed and that for me is priceless. You success depends on yours and I will make sure with that you get all the help you need when you need it. I will not bore you :) I take my courses very seriously but at the same time I try to make it fun since I know how difficult learning from an instructor with a monotone voice or boring attitude is. This course is fun, and when you need some energy to keep going, you will get it from me. My Approach Practice, practice and more practice. Every section inside this course has a practice lecture at the end, reinforcing everything with went over in the lectures. I also created a small application the you will be able to download to help you practice PHP. To top it off, we will build and awesome CMS like WordPress, Joomla or Drupal. Your $ invested in this course will be multiplied over and over again With over 176 lectures and over of 20 hours of PURE PHP knowledge from the real world, you can bet, your money will be well spent in this course. 100% Money Back if you don't like it With 100% money guaranteed within 30 days, you have NOTHING to lose and a world of possibilities for your future. If for some reason you don't like the course or me, you can get your money back from Udemy. Commonly Asked Questions..... Q: Is PHP worth it to learn? A: YES YES YES... PHP is one of the best web programming languages in the world, and all the large important websites, like Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo, Wikipedia and many more use it for their web applications. Q: Can I make Money if I know PHP? A: LOTS of it Go over to freelancer dot com and search for PHP projects. You will see so many projects waiting for people to finish them in that site. There are actually more projects in PHP than in any other language. This PHP Course Covers the following and then some... Databases in PHP Object Oriented PHP CMS project-similar to (Wordpress) Form Submissions in PHP Security in PHP Variables in PHP Math in PHP Arrays in PHP Control Structures in PHP Comparison Operators in PHP Mayor Loops in PHP Functions in PHP Constants in PHP Super Globals in PHP Sessions in PHP Cookies in PHP Learn to work with FILES Custom search feature Authentication Learn to use jQuery + Bootstrap RealTime Notifications with JS Protect your credentials with .ENV Learn Composer (PHP dependency Manager) Learn to send emails - from PHP or using a third party Package And much much more ..... With the AMAZING project we build, you will learn all the SKILLS to land that job or project. This is a real project that we take online and I walk step by step on everything from scratch. Please look at all the lectures to see more things that are covered.
            Are you New to PHP and want to learn PHP MySQL database the right way? Then there is no need searching the web for outdated stuffs any longer. This course will help you get all the fundamentals of PHP & MYSQL DATABASE and at the end of this course you would be able to build an full Chat Box with Login/registration system that can communicate back & fort with the database as such, this system is an important feature employed in every application you find on the internet. This course is comprehensive for absolute beginner in php and it takes you completely from scratch to mastery so there is no previous knowledge of programming required in order to take this course. I have been a PHP developer for 8 years now and i have worked as a PHP developer in Canada, USA and other place. Been a PHP developer has fetched me a lot of money, and  I'm super excited to take you with me on this journey . This course also comes with exercise files or course files to better prepare you towards your development career. The Knowledge of PHP MySQL will allow you to build web applications, Ecommerce  websites, Mobile APP, Content Management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, and social networks like Facebook, Twitter or even search engines like Google. PHP is still the NO:1 language for web programming and knowing it will make you stand out in the web development world and job market places. PROJECT The beauty about this course is that, you will learn how to build a chat-box system with login/registration system from scratch including Ajax functionality. Some of the major TOPICS covered include ... Databases in PHP How to implement user registration and login Form submissions & interactions with PHP Security in PHP Variables in PHP Spaceship Operators in PHP 7+ Tenary Operators in PHP Nullcoalesing Operators in PHP 7+ Logical Operators in PHP Arrays in PHP Control Structures in PHP Comparison Operators in PHP Loops in PHP Functions and custom functions in PHP Type declaration & strict mode in PHP 7+ Constants in PHP Super Globals in PHP Persistence Sessions in PHP How to make uploads with FILES Authentication Learn to use Ajax Learn simple HTML and CSS from scratch And so much more ..... LIFE TIME ACCESS: By enrolling in this course you have an instant Life- Time access 30 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you will be refunded of your money. THANK YOU AND I HOPE TO SEE YOU IN THE COURSE
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              In this course I will study how to program an online browser game. In this course, I will explain how to use the programming languages of the web to program this game. I also used Photoshop In the graphic design of the game iam using php, mysqli, paypal, css, graphic design , html5 , javascript
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                PHP powers hundreds of millions of websites worldwide. Undoubtedly it is one of the most popular server side scripting language. If you want to start web programming it is one of the first language you should pick up. In this introductory course in PHP you will get all the fundamental concepts required to start your PHP web programming. We have kept the learning curve fairly simple and anyone with basic knowledge of programming can quickly pick up PHP with the help of this course. In the course you will go through basic web programming concepts and will be able to master PHP programming by the end of it.
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                  Are you ready to learn how to build a complete login and registration system using PHP and MySQL and PDO? Then you are at the right place at the right time. -------------------------------------------------------------------- This Course: This course is about showing students how to make a complete login and registration system that you can directly include in your website very easily. Making Login and Registration system in PHP with the most secure way was a big deal before if you are not using any framework. This problem is now solved. Want to know how? This is what this course about. This course will teach you how you can make your PHP web application fast, secure, professional and hack proof. -------------------------------------------------------------------- We love helping! Have a problem in one of the lectures? No problem we are here to help. Need personal assistance from a lecture? Tells us the problem and let's get it done. Features 1.    User activation by email after Registration 2.    Password Encryption before storing in database 3.    Login with Email address 4.    Login with Facebook 5.    Login with Google 6.    Password Recover by email with verification code 7.    Security Features (CSRF protection, SQL Injection) 8.    Sending emails to Gmail server 9.    Features added all the time ----------------------------------------------------------------- We will be using Latest PHP version and its syntax, Also Latest versions of MYSQL, Facebook SDK, Google SDK and Bootstrap. You are definitely going to learn a lot from this course. Let’s Get Started
                    What is PHP ? PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML. What Can PHP Do? Anything. PHP is mainly focused on server-side scripting, so you can do anything any other CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and receive cookies. But PHP can do much more. PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, many Unix variants (including HP-UX, Solaris and OpenBSD), Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS, and probably others. PHP also has support for most of the web servers today. This includes Apache, IIS, and many others. And this includes any web server that can utilize the FastCGI PHP binary, like lighttpd and nginx. PHP works as either a module, or as a CGI processor. What You will Get from this course In this course you will learn PHP Basic But Most important things, its about PHP CRUD And CRUD means C - Create or insert data in to MySQLi Database using php code. R - Read data from MySQLi Database using php code. U - Update Data in MySQLi Database using php code. D - Delete Data from MySQLi Database using php code. You will also learn how to create simple form box using HTML / CSS / PHP. With step by step video with takes you to another level to Learn PHP Code. When i update something new, I add it to the course - at no additional cost to you! This is a course that will continue to add more and more to every aspect of your life. In addition to the Udemy 30-day money back guarantee , you have my personal guarantee that you will love what you learn from this course. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This course will not remain this price forever! It's time to take action! without action nothing will change in you life, and I am also not responsible for your actions. Click the "Buy Now" button at the top right now! I am excited to see you in the course! Sincerely, Kazi Ariyan