I will start with some basics like  types of paints , How to choose photo for landscape painting, How to choose watercolor paper, Material required for watercolor painting. Then, we will see some Golden rules of watercolor painting and Watercolor techniques. These techniques will help you to make your painting very easily. Then, I will teach you two landscape paintings step by step. For every painting we will understand the composition and plan. Then will cover sketching technique by which you can sketch it easily. Then,  you will learn how to mix colors and create new one. We will apply color with the help of learned techniques. After completion of these two paintings and assignment,  you will get sense and vision to turn any landscape photo to painting.
    “ In the mind of every individual there is a masterpiece. ” Unleash your potential of creativity and enjoy the delighted moment of creating amazing Watercolor paintings. The beauty of watercolors is delicacy, transparency, imagination, all flow and dissolve into one fluid creation that can express so many emotions. Watercolors offer a unique creative freedom that will delight the senses and inspire your mind. This course on watercolor painting designed for beginner and intermediate artists. On completing this course, students will expertise the Watercolor skill of painting common Fruits and Vegetables, identify and apply colors for the subject, Light and Shade study. This course will provide more confidence on sketching, brush strokes, color mixing and application that will enhance the artistic skill, reduce stress level thus will provide the felling of happiness and satisfaction. Now’s the time to start a new creative habit. So, as you’re dreaming of warmer days, bring a little springtime into your life by learning how to paint with Watercolors. Remember – “The beginning is always today”. Settle in with a cup of coffee at home or set up to paint along at your own pace in the studio, relax and learn new techniques and tips to improve your watercolor skills! If, however, you do not enjoy course. No questions asked.
      When I first started using Watercolour in 1980 I was inspired to copy the great artists such as Constable, Quinton and others. I couldn’t get on with oil or acrylic so turned my hand at watercolour. As I had never gone to art school I just went with my instincts and had fun! Because I tried to copy the great artists, the techniques I developed were completely unique and unlike any other watercolour pictures I saw. I remained self taught, learnt as I went along and what you’ll see in this course is a result of years of learning through mistakes and finding what worked. You’ll also see techniques never before attempted with watercolour (as far as I know) . My watercolour pictures, even though they’re “impressionistic”, have a sense of realism about them. In this course I’ll give you an outline drawing so that you can print this straight to watercolour paper or trace it using a carbon. I’ll also show you the materials I use in my watercolour work. Then we’ll get started with the paintings which are split into “easy to digest” parts. With this course you will learn to paint "Scotney Castle". The same location as one of our other courses but this time a different angle with new challenges. In this 4hr course you'll learn to paint a sky, trees, foliage, water, buildings and more! Towards the end of this course, Colin will also show you how to use pastel pencils to take your finished watercolour to the next level. With small enhancements you can add more vibrancy and texture to your painting. I hope you enjoy learning my watercolour techniques, once you are finished, please do share your artwork via the Q & A section or message us using Udemy's messaging tools.
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        Many hours have been spent putting this course together and making it a success is my goal. Please leave feed back when you have completed the course. If your not happy with the course please let me know how I can improve it, I will do my best to do so. This is a 'learn through play' course and is very basic.  You will simply learn how to get the paint from the box via the brush and onto the paper. In this course I invite you to spend a few days in a camping. We will take our backpacks, a campervan and will enjoy the pure nature through watercolors. Here we will learn about: simple mixing colors creating distnace we will paint reflections on the water we will learn more about highlights and core shadows on objects we will enjoy a simple starry night in the woods and we will take a ride on a campervan how to simplify and make the most of the foreground Have you ever had problems painting landscapes in watercolor? Have you struggled to paint water, buildings and people? Then this course will help you! I'll show you how to paint some of these common elements of the landscape with confidence! I'll teach you how to paint water. You will learn some simple techniques that will help you paint great landscape paintings. No matter if you are a beginner or if you have a little experience of painting, this course will help you improve. Paint Along Step By Step With Me Let your creative side run wild. Make sure you use the Q&A for any questions you may have. When you Enroll on this workshop I will do my very best to help you succeed, enabling you to reach your full potential.
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          Many students message me with questions about how to find the right watercolor paints to tackle all the different skin and hair tones they encounter when painting their watercolor portraits. I have been painting professionally for nearly 30 years and in that time I have painted literally hundreds of watercolor portraits. Over this time I have developed a very limited palette of just 7 colors with which I use to paint every different color of hair and skin tone. In this,the first course in my new series "How to paint hair and skin tones, Course #1 Medditeranean/Middle Eastern" we start off in the introduction where I show you a sped up version of the course and I show you the very limited tools (just 7 colors and 3 brushes) which you will need to do this series of courses . Then I show you how to use tracedown paper to get an outline of your image and how to locate "landmarks" on your portrait. Masking fluid is then explained in detail before we dive into the watercolor painting. This course concentrates on hair color and texture and skin tone and texture using a very limited palette of colors,for ease of description I have classified it as Medditeranian / Middle Eastern. Using a photograph as reference I explain exactly how I achieve realistic portraits by using real time videos without editing anything out except for drying times .This means that you will learn,not only about the colors but you will also learn how I go about tracing,sketching and masking my work. I am always at hand to answer any questions you may have,just message me in the Q and A section. I will see you in the first lesson,cheers David
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            Hello and Welcome! In this class I'm going to show you how to paint Cinque Terre, Italy in watercolour. One of the things I struggled with as a beginner was learning how to loosen up my brushstrokes while preserving a sense of realism. I will show you a quick and simple process in simplifying details in a reference picture to turn this into a loose watercolour painting. This class will help you loosen up as well as go though some essential wet-on-wet watercolour techniques when painting boats, water, reflections and buildings. This class is for beginners to intermediate learners. You will need some watercolour paper, watercolour paints consisting of blue, yellow, red and green, a 3/4 inch, and number 6/12 flat brush, and a number 4 round brush. I'm looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you, so enroll in this class and you'll be producing some simple and beautiful paintings in no time.
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              Hello my dear friend! In this course I will share with you all my experience with eyes drawing and painting for portraits. Eyes are the most impressive part of human face and one of the most difficult for artists at the same time. I'll try to provide all information you need in simple words. You have a chance to see a whole process from sketch and analysis to final brushstrokes and accents. So, let's Rock!
                EXTRA lecture added Are you ready to turn your painting passion to good use? Then get ready to have even more painting fun by up-cycling some of your pictures into cards to send on any occasion. So you have been busy painting away and are building up quite a collection of paintings of all different subjects and sizes . You may even have a folder of unfinished ones, disastrous ones and maybe ones that you might frame and exhibit or day ! What ever you have wouldn't it be nice to recycle the ones which are hanging about into original greeting or holiday cards? Just think of the money you could save , how impressed your friends and family will be with an original hand painted and crafted card AND how some people may even want to buy them? I give you tips on how to cut up and even weave your paintings to give them a new lease of life Who knows you may even start a little business. How creative is that? So sort out your paintings, get ready to have some fun and let's get started.
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                  This course is aimed at beginners in watercolour, and no previous painting experience is necessary at all. In this course, I show you six easy ways to capture a body of water in your nature journal, using watercolours, including the ripples, waves and reflections found on water. You can easily transfer this knowledge onto a different body of water, such as a dam or river, by changing the colours used. Keeping a watercolour nature journal is a fantastic hobby to have, and can be very satisfying. The emphasis is on capturing your memories, so once you know a few simple skills to illustrate various elements of nature, you'll be enjoying a new hobby and creative outlet. You don't need to travel to illustrate a nature journal - you can use your daily life and surroundings as fodder to fill your journal pages.
                    Great for turning into Cards! This class is all about taking your watercolors practice to the next level.  Create 3 quick and  simple projects in this course. First we'll start with the simpler Winter Tree scene with snow and a second class on creating Holly Berries. Last will will go a little more advanced creating a red cardinal. These classes will teach you how to create layers, incorporate gouache into your watercolors, and utilize color in ways to effectively create layers to add depth. We will create three quick and easy scenes one of winter trees with a snow blanket and beautiful Holly Berries in a 2 short and easy mini watercolor classes and the more advanced Red Cardinal learning to paint feathers and a few more layered details. These 3 projects make for great warm up paintings for anyone plus a fantastic way to create multiple cards for a quick but rewarding image to gift. Get your watercolors out ... and let's start having fun with some quick paintings full of textures and wintery goodness.