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Creative Solutions has brought over Manjot who is excited to bring to you information that can transform your life. In this course, Manjot will share with you his experience and knowledge he has picked up over the last few years, by meeting experts, analyzing articles and studies and by experimenting with products himself. He has arranged this information in an easy to follow way for you to fully understand the content. Skincare for men used to be a taboo subject, however that is quickly changing. Now more than ever men are looking for an edge in this increasingly competitive society, and you want to be looking as great as possible for as long as possible, and taking action to improve your quality of life is something to be proud of! Whatever you give attention will thrive and whatever you don't will die. This is a old quote and you have probably heard it before or some sort of variation of it, but it is very true. Think about things that have progressed, grew and thrived in your life, did you give them attention? Then think about things you didn't give any attention or effort to, did they dwindle and die? Most likely you have thought of a few examples for each. To keep your face looking great you need to take care of it and give it some attention and effort, simple as that. Where do you start? With so much information available with skincare it can lead to information overload. Then comes even more confusion when most of that skincare information available is for women, add on top of that all this complicated terminology and so many different products, it can be difficult to know where to start. When researching and talking to friends, family and colleagues I released that a lot of the guys I knew were suffering with skin issues, however they did not feel comfortable asking another man for help and did not trust or even know where and who to go to for the correct information. I knew I had to do something , what I did was I bundled everything I knew into an easy to follow course which will go through step by step, and tell you what you need to do and when you need to do it. As men we don't want long and complicated routines, we want something that is simple yet effective, that is what I will give you. Get used to the complements... People will notice the difference if you implement what I will teach, your skin will become smoother, brighter and blemish free, giving you a more attractive appearance. In fact there have been studies to find what ladies find most attractive in men, one of the most attractive qualities of a man was if they have great looking and clear skin. Who would have thought that right! Feel your confidence sore! As you notice your skin becoming glowing, clear and healthier, YOU WILL feel better about the skin you are in, this will boost your confidence when talking to the ladies, meeting new people, in work environments and in your life overall. Surprisingly, your confidence will spill into all sorts of other areas of your life that you couldn't even imagine. This will all be natural and I remember when it first happened for me, it's a really great feeling and I was glad to took action to make it happen. First impressions are everything... when people meet you for the first time they subconsciously have an impression of you in their heads, that could be positive or negative, but they will have one. Now this is natural and everyone does that. However commonly this impression will be based on your looks to begin with, they will notice what you look like. By taking care of your skin and by looking great you will give them a positive impression showing them you are someone who cares about your appearance and what you do. This can benefit you in many ways throughout life and you never know what doors it could open! In this course I will provide you with ALL the information you need about facial and body skin, I will start by going through the basics of skincare and then I will build up your knowledge from there. With this course you can learn how to create a skincare routine to suite you, and you can design your routine to be as simple or as complicated as you want, the choice is yours, I will equip you with the knowledge to do both. You will learn what skin type you are, what products you want to use, what to avoid, learn how to battle acne all over the face and body and much more! It works! What I will share with you had worked for me and many others around the world. After experimenting and researching for years I have added details of what works and what doesn't so you don't have to waste your time. What else do you get? Peace of mind with a no questions asked 30-day money back guarantee . Knowledge that can save you money long-term, know what you need and when to avoid marketing hype. Learn how look better for longer , slow down aging. Easy to follow course format, view each lecture any time you want. Full lifetime access to the complete course, and any future updates. Learn everything you need to know in under 2 hour ! Advanced tips and tricks that I have learnt over years! Support. Have any burning questions? Feel free to contact me at anytime. Are you ready? To get instant access sign up to our full course by clicking the 'take this course' button in the top right corner. I look forward to serving you! You have nothing to lose, in fact, you have a lot of to gain . See you on the other side. Best of luck, Manjot Creative Solutions
    Are You A Professional or Recreational Poker Player? Do You Play At Different Locations, Different Games, Different Buy Ins? Do You Have a Poker Bankroll But Aren't Sure How It's Grown? Do You Want To Hone In On Metrics And Determine Where You Are Most Profitable? Do You Want To Drill Down On Your Poker Statistics? If You Answered "Yes" To Any Of The Above, Look No Further.  This Is The Course For You! *** Updated in January 2021 with new content! *** Enroll today and join the 100,000+ successful students I have taught as a Top Rated Udemy instructor! Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now: You get lifetime access to lectures, including all new lectures, assignments, quizzes and downloads You can ask me questions and see me respond to every single one of them thoroughly! You will are being taught by a professional with a proven track record of success! Bonus reason: Udemy has a 30 day 100% money back guarantee if for some reason you don't enjoy the course! Bonus reason: I am a poker player like yourself! Both online and live, mainly tournaments Recent Review: Charles N. says: "I've been playing holdem for years and while I have a rough idea if I'm up and what, I really never tracked and actually analyzed my results.  What a huge difference it makes honestly.  Now I can see what games I'm far better at, my optimal buy in, keep notes on performance to look back at, and overall have improved my game by fixing some fundamentals.  Poker players get very focused on the game itself and fixing little things about their play, but seldom focus on the big picture and things they can do.  This course helped me set a routine to do that!" Why You Should Take This Course: Are you a professional poker player whose great at the game, but lacking in tracking your results? Maybe you are an amateur on the rise and want to view how your game improves over time.  Then you found the right course for you!  Let me teach you how to build a poker results tracking spreadsheet so you can determine your profitability over periods of time, your profit per hour, profit per game type and more! In this course we start with a blank workbook and build an advanced poker results tracking workbook.  With just a basic understanding of Excel, I can turn you into a professional at knowing the metrics behind your poker results.  And if you'd rather just use the template I build in the course, I provide it for you to download at the end of the course. What We Do In The Course: Learn the basics of Microsoft Excel Start with a blank workbook in Excel to build our poker tracking spreadsheet Step by step build a poker tracking workbook We will create reports to view your profit per month, per game type and more Interpret the data to make even more profitable decisions in the future and Much More! It doesn't matter if you play texas holdem, pot limit omaha, stud, in a home game or at the World Series of Poker, you can use the tools taught in this course! At any point if you have a question, please feel free to ask through the course forum, I'd be happy to answer any and all questions. ***CLICK "BUY NOW" AND LEARN HOW TO TRACK YOUR POKER PROFITS AND STATISTICS IN EXCEL! *** About The Instructor Chris Benjamin, MBA & CFO is a seasoned professional with over 25 years experience in accounting, finance, Microsoft Excel, data analysis and poker.  Having spent the first 10 years of my career in corporate settings with both large and small companies, I learned a lot about the accounting process, managing accounting departments, financial reporting, external reporting to board of directors and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and working with external auditors. The following 10+ years I decided to go into CFO Consulting, working with growing companies and bringing CFO level experience to companies.  I help implement proper best business practices in accounting and finance, consult on implementation of accounting systems, implementing accounting procedures, while also still fulfilling the CFO roll for many of my clients which includes financial reporting, auditing, working with investors, financial analysis and much more. Thank you for signing up for this course on Udemy. I look forward to being your instructor for this course and many more! Chris Benjamin, Instructor, CFO & MBA
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      The Qur’an Made Easy course is catered for new learners who know how to read basic words in Arabic (having the knowledge of the meaning is not necessary) and have some basic knowledge of Tajweed. In this course, we will help in teaching our students how to read the first 8 Surahs of the Qur'an correctly, following the narrations that have been narrated and passed down to us from the Prophet peace be upon him. The course is also beneficial for beginner/trainee teachers as it aims to simplify Tajweed rules indirectly for the students. So as long as you meet two conditions, regardless of your colour, age, religious level, then you’ll be able to enrol and benefit from the course. They are: – Ability to read words in Arabic at a medium pace – Have that zeal and desire to learn and correct your recitation.
        Join the most popular Private Pilot test prep course on Udemy today. Bestseller, highest-rated, taught by the Number 1 aviation instructor on Udemy. Still not convinced? Go read the reviews. This course series is designed to give you the necessary ground knowledge to pass the FAA Private Pilot Airplane (PAR) Knowledge Test in preparation for the Private Pilot license or certificate. I specifically designed this material to be comprehensive and not just an overview. I will go IN DETAIL about each of the knowledge areas and provide explanations to not only pass the test, but also become a proficient pilot. Anybody can pass the test by memorizing the question bank, but that's NOT what this course is about. The first part of this five-part series goes over an introduction to flight training (including tips on picking a flight school from a 15-year flight school executive), aircraft structure , aircraft systems , and flight instruments . I included links to the free FAA publications as well as over 100 practice questions. This course follows the guidance of the Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) under Part 61. You should definitely start flight training while taking this course. Over 150 hours went into preparing the slides, and recording/editing this course, I hope you will find it valuable and helpful towards your training. The other courses are: Part 2 : Basic Aerodynamics, Aerodynamic Forces, Weight & Balance, Performance and Limitations. Part 3 : Regulation, Inspections & Documents, Aeromedical Factors, Aeronautical Decision Making. Part 4 : Weather Theory, Weather Services, Airport Operations, Radio Communications. Part 5 : Airspace, Charts, Navigation, Flight Computer & Cross-country Planning + 2 Bonus Practice FAA Exams. Optional Part 6, available by private message ONLY: Receive a paper written endorsement from the instructor to take the FAA test (requires enrollment in all 5 parts + proof that you are proficient with the knowledge).
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          नमस्ते, जैसा कि कोरोनोवायरस (COVID-19) ने दुनिया भर के समुदायों को प्रभावित किया है, लोग सोच रहे हैं कि क्या ऐसे कदम हैं जो वे स्वस्थ रहने के लिए उठा सकते हैं। और सरल उत्तर स्वस्थ, उच्च पोषक तत्व युक्त भोजन खाने से है जो प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली को बढ़ाता है। हाइड्रोपोनिक कृषि कम इनपुट लागत पर उच्च पोषक भोजन का उत्पादन करके यहां एक नया व्यापार अवसर खोलती है। हमारे साथ हाइड्रोपोनिक के बारे में जानें और देखें कि आप सुपरफूड की नई वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था का हिस्सा कैसे बन सकते हैं, एक बिलियन डॉलर सुपरफूड इंडस्ट्री दुनिया भर में आकार ले रही है। मेरा नाम सुधीर है और हाइड्रोपोनिक्स पर पाठ्यक्रम में आपका स्वागत है। हाइड्रोपोनिक्स मिट्टी के बिना भोजन उगाने की एक तकनीक है, आप इस पाठ्यक्रम में जानेंगे कि कैसे आप स्वस्थ, उच्च पोषक भोजन का उत्पादन कर सकते हैं, जो बगैर किसी खेत या खेत में पहुंच के मजबूत प्रतिरक्षा के लिए सबसे अधिक आवश्यक है। यह कोर्स दोनों तरीकों से काम करता है या तो आप अपने खुद के सलाद को शौक या दैनिक उपभोग के लिए घर पर उगा सकते हैं या आप एक हाइड्रोपोनिक व्यवसाय स्थापित कर सकते हैं। यह भ्रम को समाप्त करने, बकवास के माध्यम से कटौती करने और उस सरल योजना की खोज करने का समय है जो काम करता है, एक योजना जिस पर सभी बड़े व्यवसाय निर्मित होते हैं। इस कोर्स में आप मिनिमल टाइम और इक्विप्मेंट्स के साथ पावरफुल हाइड्रोपोनिक बिजनेस का निर्माण करना सीखेंगे। कोर्स से क्या उम्मीद करें? " शीर्ष दृश्य से व्यवसाय योजना। हम केवल 40 दिनों में एक कृषि फार्म बनाते हैं जो उच्च मूल्य विदेशी पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर सब्जियों का उत्पादन करता है। हम अपनी इनपुट लागत को कम से कम रखने के लिए और पूरे वर्ष एक ही गुणवत्ता का उत्पादन करने के लिए हाइड्रोपोनिक्स तकनीक का उपयोग करते हैं हम फार्म को स्वचालित करने के लिए स्वचालन तकनीकों का उपयोग करते हैं और मूल्य अनुमानों को प्राप्त करने के लिए मूल्य प्रहरी का उपयोग करते हैं आप सीखेंगे कि हाइड्रोपोनिक्स के सिद्धांतों के अनुसार एक वाणिज्यिक खेत / शौक उद्यान कैसे स्थापित किया जाए। दुनिया की सबसे लाभदायक कानूनी नकदी फसलों में से एक उगाओ - अलमारियों और सरल उपकरणों का उपयोग करना। लाभ या खुशी के लिए - एक बजट पर सुपरफूड उगाना शुरू करें। लर्निंग प्लांट के बढ़ते चक्र और आपके पास मौजूद किसी भी न्यूनतम समय, बजट और स्थान के साथ प्रबंधन करना। आम नुकसान से बचें - मेरी गलतियों से सीखें! और कई अन्य बढ़ते टिप्स। अगर आपको यह कोर्स पसंद आया तो कृपया इसे ज़रूर देखें और यहाँ इसकी समीक्षा करें और अपने दोस्तों को बताएँ! चलो घर और खेत में स्वस्थ और उच्च प्रतिरक्षा भोजन विकसित करें!
            Inside Wedding Management Mastery I included ALL the tips and tricks you need to plan and execute the perfect “day-of” wedding using the least amount of time and energy. You get invaluable video training along with tons of usable downloads and step-by-step guides for all my processes. It’s time to take your business to the next level and make more money using less time! IS WEDDING MANAGEMENT MASTERY RIGHT FOR ME? I’M A NEW PLANNER: Do you have “day-of” clients? THEN YES! I spent years perfecting the day-of planning process. Wedding Management Mastery will give you all the systems and templates I created after 12 years of planning weddings so you can use less time and make more money. I’ve made all the mistakes already! All the tears, wanting to pull my hair out, untold wasted hour (days actually) of my life. YOU CAN SKIP ALL THAT. I’ve been in your shoes. I know hard hard you work. Forget trial-and-error and start acting like you’ve done this for years. You’ll have the confidence to book your dream clients and execute flawless weddings you can feel proud of. Then, when the time comes for you to scale your business, you’ll have everything ready to get your team started on the right foot. I’VE BEEN IN BUSINESS FOR YEARS: I’ve got you covered too! The truth is, we all hit a plateaus. For years I struggled to find time for creating new systems or perfecting the ones I had. I was constantly sprinting to finish emails and check things off my massive To-Do list. Looking back I realize how this vicious cycle only served my short-term goals and kept pushing the bigger picture back further and further. Attracting better clients, breaking into higher end markets and back-end organization all fell by the wayside as I wasted time and started feeling burned out. If any of this sounds familiar, Wedding Management Mastery has you covered too! Day-of clients should not take over your business. They are fuel to help you grow into the powerhouse company you desire. You and your team will spend 33% LESS TIME on those clients, freeing you to work ON THE BUSINESS, where you’re genius is really needed. You’ll make more profit and get extra time to chase down your big goals! Plus...I have something extra for the veterans with bigger companies! SECTION 1: Introduction To The Course SECTION 2: Packages, Pricing, Contracts and Boundaries - Get my exact packages I use for “day of” clients, How to price yourself, How to secure a professional contract, and how to eloquently and properly set boundaries with your clients. SECTION 4: Timing Of Services - Learn the timing of when you should be scheduling and performing all of the services outlined in your contract. Also included is a client survey template, liability insurance instruction download, and a post wedding checklist template. SECTION 4: The Timeline Meeting - How to schedule a timeline, plus my client questionnaire and vendor templates. Also, how to perform the timeline meeting which includes my timeline questionnaire template SECTION 5: How To Write A Timeline - Step by step instructions on how to write a timeline. You get downloadable instructions, plus we walk through the writing of a mock wedding timeline from start to finish SECTION 6: How To Update The Timeline - Learn how to politely request timeline updates from your client and when that should be done SECTION 7: How To Confirm Vendors - Download my step by step instructions of how to confirm vendors, tailored for each vendor category. We also walk through each vendor category together! SECTION 8: The Week Of The Wedding - We finally wrap it up with all of the last minute tasks you need to complete the week of the wedding. Also includes a cheat download for you to have on hand! SECTION 9: Conclusion - Also includes a bonus offer!
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              Aviation, Space and Defense industry has stringent quality requirements. This course will provide you guidelines for establishing system which will meet these requirements. ISO 9001:2015 is base standard and AS 9100 rev.D standard has been published by SAE in year 2016. Certification to AS 9100D:2016 when achieved will indicate your organization's ability to produce consistent quality products.
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                Geography and Terroir of Coffee In this unit we explore where coffee is grown and what are the suitable climate, soil, elevation and temperature conditions to grow coffee. You will gain a basic understanding of Coffea arabica varieties, and survey the main regions where Arabica coffee is grown. Botany of Coffee Dive deeper into the world of the coffee plant. Willem Boot will explain the path of the seed to a coffee plant, flower and finally the coffee cherry. In this unit we go deeper into differentiating coffee varieties and their specific properties when it comes to the quality of your coffee. Cultivation Practices and Harvest What are the main considerations a farmer makes when growing coffee? Which plot will produce healthy coffee plants? Which variety of coffee to grow? Organic vs conventional farming? Shade or no shade? Which harvesting method to use? Willem Boot will guide you through these core questions every farmer has to answer when it comes to creating high quality coffee at the farm and supporting their family. Processing Methods After coffee is harvested, it needs to be processed. The processing style is one of the main determinants when it comes to the quality and flavor profile of your coffee. What are these processes and how do they influence your cup? Find out all about it in this segment. Coffee Consumption and Economics There are 25 million coffee farmers in the world who make decisions every day about how to sustain their farms and feed their families. Willem takes you through the choices farmers make and how they can influence their livelihood, and also the quality of your coffee. Looking Into the Future of Coffee What are the main challenges and opportunities for today's coffee farmers? Climate change, increased demand in previously non-coffee drinking nations, and the economic sustainability of farming are the main ones we address in this segment.
                  In this course you will gain an overview of Government Rules and Regulations that is Flight Duty Time Limitations (FDTL). The course also helps you to get the basic understanding of how to plan and schedule crew efficiently. In depth of the concepts of crew pairing is described. IT systems used for Crew Planning and Scheduling has also been discussed in the course.
                    Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries! Fully Accredited Vegan Health, Nutrition & Lifestyle Diploma Course Full Diploma Course For Vegan's & Those Interested In A Cruelty Free Lifestyle. Plant Based Nutrition. This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association. Welcome to this Vegan Health, Nutrition and Lifestyle course. It provides everything you need to be able to coach others in a nutritional sense so that they can take a streamlined approach to Veganism. Equally, this course is designed for the individual who simply wants to learn all about Veganism and to opt for a cruelty-free lifestyle. Becoming going vegan is one of the best ways to protect the environment. It needs dedication because there will be significant lifestyle changes. For anyone committed to the cause, it is possible to be healthy and content while knowing that they really are making a difference. Veganism isn’t just about the food that is eaten, – although this of course, plays an important part, it is about health and wellbeing as well as making necessary lifestyle changes. It is about valuing life and being kind to animals and caring for the planet. Being a vegan is all-encompassing. There is a great deal to learn and to utilize, from opting for cruelty-free makeup, to using homemade or vegan cleaning options, to the clothes worn as well as food eaten. Our easy to learn modules include: Introduction to your Fully Accredited Vegan Health, Nutrition & Lifestyle Diploma Course Your Fully Accredited Vegan Health, Nutrition & Lifestyle Diploma Course Training Manual PDF The Vegan Lifestyle The Healthy Vegan Diet Proteins Food Detective Lifestyle Pregnancy & Children Final Summary & Bringing It All Together Accreditation FAQ And so much more! This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.