Become an Excel Programmer and You Can Finally Put Your Work On Autopilot!
Even with all of Excel's great features, and built-in tools, you might find yourself doing repetitive tasks, that take longer than they should.
Or the day will come when you say, "
Oh, I wish there were a better way to do this
The good news is that Excel, and other Microsoft Office applications, comes with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a programming language that will extend the functionality of your Office applications.
In This Course You Get:
Free Downloadable Workbooks
- makes it easy to follow along & practice after class.
Test Your Skills
- exercises to get you engaged & reinforce what you have learned.
Code Snippets
- with common code bites.
VBA Glossary
- talk the talk
This is a VBA beginner's course that will get you on the road to being in that elite group of VBA programmers.
Learning to program can seem daunting at first, but I'm going to make it as easy as possible.
With that said, VBA is a huge topic, and yes, there are a lot of lectures in this course.
But don't stress out.
What I do go over will get you from, "
I don't even like looking at VBA
", to,
"I can do this!"
NOTE: There are multiple ways to get the same result in VBA.
So the way I write a procedure or two might be slightly different than your co-workers code, or yours, and that's O.K.
If you're ready to
cut your workload
automate your tasks
, and
learn a desirable skill
while your at it, click the
Take This Course
button on the top right, and I will help start programming your Excel workbooks with VBA.