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オフィスワーカー、デスクワーカーの方ならほとんどの方が使っているであろう『Excel(エクセル)』。 その『Excel(エクセル)』でできる事を自動化することができるのが、 『ExcelVBA』という専用プログラミング言語です。 個人的に『ExcelVBA』に触れるようになったのは2008年頃。 当時の先輩が『ExcelVBA』を使って少しずつ仕事を自動化し始めて、 見よう見まねで触り始めたのがきっかけでした。 触り始めは本当に何をやっているのかてんでわからず、 書けば書くほどぐちゃぐちゃなコードになってしまって、 処理スピードもとにかく遅く、 汚いコードのオンパレードでした。 その後、 いろんな本、業務、他のプログラミング言語などを経験し、 『ExcelVBA』に戻ってきて、というのを年単位で何度も繰り返していくうちに、 「あぁ、こういう事か」 という体験をすることができました。 そんな経験を経てこの講座では、 初心者の頃にわからなかった事、知りたかった事などを 専門用語をできるだけ省いた形で図解で解説する事で、 わかりやすさを重視するとともに、 ・普段の仕事の作業効率を上げる ・自由に使える時間を増やす そんな講座になれば、という思いで制作しております。 ■講座で使用している環境 Windows10 Pro 64bit Microsoft 365 Excel ※極端に新しい機能は解説していないので、2010年くらいのエクセルでも実行できるかとは思います。 ■扱っていること 書き方/変数・型/演算子/制御構文(if・for・Do・Select) デバッグ/プロシージャ/モジュール/スコープ(有効範囲)/ 関数(ワークシート関数・VBA関数)/ オブジェクト(セル・レンジ・シート・ブック・アプリ)/ 複数値(配列・コレクション・辞書・列挙型・構造体) 考え方(前処理・主処理・後処理) ユーザーフォーム クラス/テーブル・ピボットテーブル(紹介くらい) ■実践内容 その1  ファイル読み込み、全シートをコピー、指定日付の行を抽出 その2 ユーザーフォーム、ファイルを選択、全シートをコピー、必要な関数を追加、辞書でピックアップ、変数を含む数式を追記 ■扱っていないこと BigQuery/他Officeとの連携(Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access)/高度な分析手法 図形・グラフ・アドイン 極端に新しい機能(2019~)
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    Master Automation by Learning the Ins and Outs of Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for Excel In Essential VBA Training for Excel - get up to speed on using VBA to help automate time-consuming procedures in Excel. Great for automating repetitive tasks and operations that you perform frequently, VBA is a powerful tool to increase your productivity. Contents and Overview The course is designed for individuals and professionals who are new to VBA and who are seeking practical ways to automate tasks in Microsoft Excel that are performed frequently. Through 4 hours of video lectures, exercise files, and an optional quiz, you'll learn the essentials you need to know to create powerful macros using VBA for Excel. Find out how to use the VBA editor, VBA syntax, keywords, and comments. Discover how to define and manage variables, set up subroutines, and create functions. Also, find out how to use input boxes and message boxes to interact with end users. Learn practical methods for using macro errors to improve your VBA code. When you complete this course, you'll be well on your way to using VBA macros in Excel to help you and others automate tasks and operations performed frequently. This course includes: Exercise files An optional quiz to test what you've learned A certificate of completion All of our videos are high definition; therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on and the videos enlarged.
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      インターネットで検索すると変数名の後に As Longとか、As Stringとか書いてあるけど、なんだろう? VBAで業務を自動化できるのは知っているけど、エクセルを開く作業そのものを自動化したい 各支店からバラバラに送られてくるエクセルファイルをまとめる・集計するのが大変 シートに入力されている情報をもとに複数のエクセルファイルを自動的に作りたい シートに入力されている情報から複数の PDF ファイルを自動的に作りたい 便利なマクロを自分で作って使っているが、それを呼び出す作業が面倒 セルの値を検索するのにFor Next文を使っているが、表が大きくなったり、複雑になったりすると検索に時間がかかる よく使うコードをコピペするのが面倒くさい こうしたお悩みをお持ちであればこのコースを学ぶことで解決できるようになるかもしれません。 私が日々VBAを使って業務を効率化するの中で感じた上記のような疑問をしつこく、しっかり解説しながらプログラミングの 基礎知識を学べます。 プログラミングの書籍では、変数の型の説明、ループ構文などの文法について解説していても、それをどのように業務に活かすか? について解説している書籍はそう多くはありません。 (おそらく紙幅の都合だと思いますが) そこで、このコースでは文法的知識に加え実際どのようにそれを活用するか? ということを意識してVBAによる業務改善方法をしつこく・しっかり解説をします。
        Become an Excel Programmer and You Can Finally Put Your Work On Autopilot! Even with all of Excel's great features, and built-in tools, you might find yourself doing repetitive tasks, that take longer than they should. Or the day will come when you say, " Oh, I wish there were a better way to do this !" The good news is that Excel, and other Microsoft Office applications, comes with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a programming language that will extend the functionality of your Office applications. In This Course You Get: Free Downloadable Workbooks - makes it easy to follow along & practice after class. Test Your Skills - exercises to get you engaged & reinforce what you have learned. Code Snippets - with common code bites. VBA Glossary - talk the talk This is a VBA beginner's course that will get you on the road to being in that elite group of VBA programmers. Learning to program can seem daunting at first, but I'm going to make it as easy as possible. With that said, VBA is a huge topic, and yes, there are a lot of lectures in this course. But don't stress out. What I do go over will get you from, " I don't even like looking at VBA ", to, "I can do this!" NOTE: There are multiple ways to get the same result in VBA. So the way I write a procedure or two might be slightly different than your co-workers code, or yours, and that's O.K. If you're ready to cut your workload , automate your tasks , and learn a desirable skill while your at it, click the Take This Course button on the top right, and I will help start programming your Excel workbooks with VBA.
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          This course has been created to teach how to turn an Excel workbook into a Database application using VBA. Before creating the database application in the first sections I explain the main VBA data structures which are helpful to manage data to be imported to Excel and to be exported from Excel ranges to external sources e.g. databases, web services , XML files, text files and JSON files. In details, the course includes: Overview of VBA . Very important for those that are starting off with VBA. In this section the students will know how to access and know the Excel Developer Ribbon. the VBA Editor, the concept of macro and the concept of macro security and will get acquainted with topics e.g. the workbook object, worksheet object, cells and ranges. You will learn how to record a VBA macro. You will understand the VBA Project structure and composition, the Worksheet Module Code, the Workbook and Worksheet Properties and Methods, the General variables and subroutines, concepts e.g. Variables and Constants (Public and Private Variables), Subroutines and Functions (Public and Private Subroutines and Functions), User Defined Functions, VBA and Worksheet Modules and Variable Types and Declarations. Manage Excel Tables with VBA . In this section you will learn what is an Excel table and how to prepare, format and manage it, how to the information contained in an Excel table, how to select areas of a table, how to insert rows,/columns/parts of a table, how to read and retrieve the elements of a table and how to manipulate and filter elements in a table. VBA Dictionary : the students in this section will understand the VBA dictionary which is a modern data structure which can be also defined as a native object. The idea of dictionary starts from the Excel LOOKUP functions. We will see also how to verify and populate a Dictionary object, how to create a Dictionary as a Scripting object and as a generic object, how to add/remove Items and assign values to keys to a VBA Dictionary. We will discuss about how to check if a key exists and how to count the number of items in a dictionary. We will go through some case studies see how to read, sort and format dictionaries and how to manage dictionaries with arrays. Finally we will understand when to use a dictionary as a data structure. VBA Collections : in this section we will see what a VBA collection is and what is the difference between collections and arrays. We will also see when to use collections and when to use arrays and their advantages and disadvantages. Then in details we will see how to create a collection and do operations on collection items (remove/remove all/add/get). we will then see how to verify if a key exists in a Collection and how to retrieve and count items in collections. Finally we will be able to convert a collection to an array. Manager Pivot tables with VBA : this is an hot section where you will dominate Excel Pivot table with VBA, learning: how create/delete a pivot table, how to retrieve the list of pivot fields, how to do operations on the items of a pivot table (add/remove/filter/clear). We will get familiar with the difference between calculated and not calculated fields. We will see how to do some operations on the pivot tables: clear report filter, refresh, change data source range, layout and setup the grand totals. Excel Query Tables and VBA : this is the section where you can learn how to import data from an Microsoft Access database, how to import from text file (fixed width/delimited), how to import several text files and CSV files into Excel Query Tables using VBA, how to append data from different text file to a Query Table. Finally we will see how to retrieve data From a website using a Query Table. Exchange data with MS Access using VBA : we will have again an overview of how to export data from an Excel Query Tables to an Access database using VBA: insert an Excel range of data into Access with ADODB VBA and SQL commands, insert an Excel range of data into Access with ADODB VBA with recordset, import Excel tables (listobjects) into Access with VBA, import Excel table (listobjects) into Access with VBA looping in the table data (SQL), import Excel tables (listobjects) into Access with VBA looping in the table data (recordset), update Access with Excel data with VBA. Working with XML files in VBA : learn how to import XML into Query Table or in an Excel range, retrieve the DOM structure of an XML document and import elements, nodes and attributes into Excel files, how to breakdown an XML document and parse the single elements, how to identify nodes, elements, attributes and node lists. You will also learn to get XML elements and nodes using XPath. You will get familiar with the Excel VBA objects to manage XML documents e.g. MSXML, XMLDOM and XMLMap. We will see also how to import an XML file into an Excel range with ADODB and how to  generate an XSD file with VBA. We will understand the MSXML node types and we will learn how to manage errors and attributes e.g. async. Excel VBA and Web services: in this section the students have an overview of the SOAP and REST web services and how they are managed via VBA to send data to and from Excel files. In details: how to invoke a SOAP web service from Excel (do SOAP requests, WSDL, ...). In this section also: how to send HTTP requests with VBA from Excel with WinHttp, how to make REST call with VBA in Excel using the WinHttp object, how to get Http Request In Excel Vba. You will also have an overview of the IXMLHTTPRequest object. Working with JSON files in VBA: JSON documents are another data structure to use for sending data over the internet through web services. In this section students will learn how to import JSON data to Excel workbooks and how to export data in Excel ranges to JSON documents. At the end students will be able also to generate nested JSON. Miscellaneus: this is a bonus area where students will get more information about ODBC Queries, OLE DB Queries, how to import and export data from/to text files, how to do Web queries, how to manage VBA OLEObjects, how to parse HTML code in Excel with VBA and how to send automatic emails from Excel with VBA. At the end students will be able to connect Excel with the rest of the world using the HTTP protocol, web services and database connections to import/export data using Excel data structures. VBA is not dead with the evolution of the web applications, instead is evolving to offer more than we think.
            Course is focusing on basic level developers who know arrays. loops and variable pretty well and now want to take their knowledge to next level. From designing to programming and what things to be kept in mind while making user-forms. Collection loops structure in User-forms and their use practically. User-forms are very important part of VBA and one cannot be known as a great programmer if he or she does not know userforrms. This is not just a basic level information tutorial on FORMS but you shall see here loops, if functions, variables use and collections loops is applied . After-all. there is nothing better than practical learning so i have great MIS Projects as well for you. Many good short projects for you on user forms. Combobox,Listbox,textbox,labels,command buttons,date time calendars,frames - everything discussed from sctrach Use of change event, click event, initialize event,close events Create Move next button in forms to see the data one by one coming from excel Some projects and assignments with ready made codes is added as well.
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              This course will provide you with essentials about Visual Basic Applications (VBA) Excel for Finance. VBA is the programming language of Excel and is a fast programming language. When correctly mastered, it can automate almost every task that is required in Banking and Investment Banking. By taking this class, you will see that getting a job in investment banking is not just a matter of luck, but of technique and forward thinking. This course is best suited for university students who are studying business, finance, accounting, economics or any other finance related programmes. This course is also for anyone who is interested in knowing more about the Banking and Finance world, and to know about necessary skills to acquire to get into these sectors. No prior technical knowledge is required. The course covers: Fundumentals of VBA : Functions, Sub, Variables, Loops, Conditions. Real life applications that are used in Banks today Build pricers for options and bond Create Userforms and top-notch charts Link your VBA application to a database Understand the concept of Object Oriented Programming Why should you take this course? You are a finance student. You are really struggling in finding a good and challenging position in Banking. You would like to start your career with a great asset on your resume and you are motivated to reach that goal. You are a banker facing issues with repetitive tasks to run on a daily basis and you want to learn how you could automate all of those tasks in a single process. You are already a banking employee, but you are working in a department that does not fit your ambitions, and you would like to join a more challenging department such as front-office, and work in the exciting environment of the trading room. In order to do that you need to prove that you can bring value to the team. With this course, you get everything you need to be able to quickly design performant VBA applications.
                This is an introductory course on how to program Excel using VBA macros. You will learn to automate and extend the Excel environment to supercharge your Excel models, automate routine tasks, customize your user interface, and manage large quantities of data. This course is based on the instructor's semester-long college courses which have produced thousands of graduates in the fields of business, finance, health care and public policy. Designed for busy professionals who need to take their Excel abilities to the next level, you will not waste time on topics which you are unlikely to use, and you will receive extra attention to the often confusing or overlooked details that will make the most difference to your ultimate understanding. Over 8 hours of instruction!
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                  A Management Information ystem (MIS) provides organisation with the information they require in an organised manner to take upon management and crucial decisions. MIS tools and knowledge is very important nowadays. There is a very high demand for MIS Professionals in the market and the manpower supply of it is very less because of the obvious reason that the skill-sets required is not a part of any academic curriculum. A professional training in it hence becomes mandatory. This training will endow every student with the skill sets required to be a successful MIS professional. Our course curriculum comprises of all the important aspects requires in the real world to get the job done in MIS. The student will get the enhance knowledge in Data management, Reporting and Analysis through MS Excel, MS Access & RDBMS. Moreover training will be given on the most demanding technology , which is MACRO -Automation.
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                    VBA was considered a dead language until new functionalities and objects have been made available to enable data exchange between MS Office products and the Web. Today VBA offers functions to send HTTP requests , receive HTTP responses and parse the final results using technologies and objects e.g. DOM , XML parsing , JSON parsing , XML XPath , VBA Regular Expressions , ADODB connections to SQL Server and mySQL Databases , generate Web Browsers to embed into VBA forms and much more. Before into details I have included some lectures for those that are new to understand and get to know Excel, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and HTML . The students will learn the following in this course: HTML DOM HTML editing tools Open a Web page in VBA Create HTML Tables with from Excel Worksheets with VBA Create HTML Files with a Table of Contents based on Cell Data Download File from Website Using Excel Scraping data from website using vba Get data in an HTML table and display in an Excel file Get all the data in an HTML table and display in an Excel file VBA Code – To extract data – From website to Excel Macro with ServerXMLHTTP Scraping a website HTML in VBA using the HTMLDocument object Read data from a website using VBA web query Import Website data to Excel Embed a browser in an Excel VBA form Identify information on a Web Page and display it in human readable way Processing human friendly messages Generate machine-friendly messages Import JSON to Excel Import an XML file into Excel Get data from the web Use the InternetExplorer Object to get Data from the Web Use the InternetExplorer object to get elements of an HTML table Retrieve single HTML elements using the InternetExplorer object Parse and submit an HTML form using the InternetExplorer object Trigger events of elements using the InternetExplorer object Click on a button and trigger the associated event using the InternetExplorer object Enter data dynamically into an HTML form using the InternetExplorer object Use XMLHttp to send HTTP requests, receive HTTP responses and parse the content Use ServerXMLHttp to send HTTP requests, receive HTTP responses and parse the content Using ServerXMLHTTP to GET XML results from a Web page Using ServerXMLHTTP to POST XML to a Web page Providing authentication info via msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP (use JustGiving API) Scrape html by element id, name after response using msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP Save MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP Response text is an HTML Page Extracting data from the response of a serverXMLHTTP request Extract a table of data from a website using a VBA query Pull data into Microsoft Excel with Web queries Import HTML content in Excel with Query Tables Import HTML table with Web Query Invoke a SOAP Web Service from custom VBA Code Do a SOAP Request in VBA Use VBA to send XML to WSDL Create a SOAP Request/Response using XML from VBA Get Http Request In Excel Vba Build a VBA App from calling an API Make REST call with VBA in Excel: WinHttp Send HTTP requests with VBA from Excel with WinHttp Get Http Request In Excel Vba with WinHttp Get JSON Response with WinHTTP in VBA Install and configure SQL Express Server and the Management tool for testing Connect to a remote SQL Server DB With VBA & ADODB Use Excel VBA to Query a SQL Server Database Install and configure a mySQL Database for testing Connect to remote MySQL Database Connect to MySQL database in Excel with VBA and get the data Send HTML Email from Excel using VBA Show RSS Feeds in Excel Read RSS feeds from VBA create an rss feed with Excel VBA Get Data from Bing Search and display the results using DOM Display google maps on a UserForm Calculate durations and distances of itineraries from Google Maps with VBA Retrieve Address Geocoding with VBA and Google Maps Parse strings from HTML code via VBA code using RegEx ...