AI Copywriting Secrets: Work Less & Earn More With ChatGPT

Course Provided by:Sumner Hobart
Course Taken on: Udemy
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How to Use Artificial Intelligence to 3X Your Income and Slash Your Work Hours in Half Starting This Week!

(This Works Even If You Have Zero Copywriting or AI Experience)

Did you know it's estimated that 67% of occupations (including yours) will be replaced by AI within the next two years?

It's clear that AI is changing the world, and it's not going anywhere.

This leaves you with two choices:

Choice #1: Learn to use and master AI to become a respected, top-earning leader in your industry.

Choice #2: Tell yourself, "AI can't possibly replace me. I'm safe!" and watch as people with less skill and experience make millions while your customers & clients dissipate like sand in an hourglass.

By then, it will be too late. The same wave that crashes those who resist it will lift those who choose to embrace it.

You don't need to live in fear or doubt any longer.

Let me introduce you to the AI Copywriting Secrets Program.

Imagine the confidence, freedom, and success you'll feel as you effortlessly harness AI to create top-tier copy in SECONDS which skyrockets profits and leaves your clients and peers in awe of your abilities.

That's exactly what this course is going to do for you, and it will happen in two phases:

PHASE 1: You will gain 100 years of copywriting experience in just a few hours.

Specifically, you are going to learn:

  • What copywriting ACTUALLY is

  • How to read the minds of your audience to know EXACTLY what they desire

  • Proven elements you can IMMEDIATELY add to your existing copy to 10X your results today

  • 6 copy-and-paste formulas that will eternally eradicate your writer's block so you know exactly what to write and when to write it every time.

But that's just the beginning…

PHASE 2: It's all about mastering AI.

In this section, you will learn all of the secret hacks & strategies to properly setting up and using the best AI tools like Open AI’s ChatGPT 4 in order to crank out the highest quality copy in just seconds.

As a student, you are going to gain exclusive access to my personal ChatGPT prompt engineering vault with 7 FREE copy & paste AI templates where you just enter in some basic information about your audience and content topic, and AI will automatically create phenomenal:

  • Social media captions

  • Email marketing

  • Search engine optimized (SEO) blog articles

  • Money-churning Sale pages

  • HYPNOTIC product bullets points

  • Viral YouTube video titles

  • And more!

By the end of this course, you will literally be handed every single formula, technique, and template you need to become the top 1% paid copywriter on the planet while working fewer hours than you ever have.

Now, what gives me (Sumner) a single shred of credibility to teach this topic?

I'm a serial entrepreneur and professional copywriter who has generated millions of dollars in sales of my own products & services by using the formulas, techniques, and strategies detailed in this course.

Don't believe me? Just read some of the raving student reviews for yourself.

If you're a freelancer looking to massively upgrade your skill set, an entrepreneur who wants to scale your business to new heights, or an AI enthusiast who wants to learn the latest & greatest AI strategies, then this course is for you.

30-DAY RISK-FREE PROMISE: The best part is if this course doesn't completely transform your life, Udemy will refund your entire purchase within 30 days.

This promotion is going away soon, so enroll now, and I look forward to sharing my life-changing AI secrets with you inside.


A laptop and wifi are all you need. EVERYTHING else is given to you in this course. ENROLL NOW

Course Includes

  • 4.5 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. I learned a tremendous amount of information about copywriting, AI, ChatGBT, SEO, and advertising in general that I did not know. The templates for prompts in the resources section are fantastic. This takes so much guesswork and time out of just trying to figure out how to use AI for what you're looking for. I found the information easy to understand and digest, even for someone very new to this. I highly recommend it.
  2. It's an amazing course with a huge value delivered. I made it all the way through and can not express how much it gave me for the little money I paid to join. I very much recommend it to everyone! It would have been hard times for me to learn it all from scratch if I had not been enrolled in this fast-track course which I found on the internet by accident.
  3. Thanks a lot to the author for his hard work to put it all together! An excellent presentation!
  4. This is one of the best courses I have ever enrolled in, I'm super grateful and for anyone looking to improve their copywriting skills I would definitely recommend you enroll in this course.
  5. Excellent course. Very valuable insights and really engaging content. The resources, particularly the various prompts, are an absolute game changer.