Beginner Vocal Warm Up Course, Find Your Voice Type

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Want to warm up your voice but don't know how? Let me show you step by step on this course how. Every singer should warm up their singing voice if they want to sound their best. A good vocal warm-up like the one on this course will: Wake up your breathing - You learn this automatically on this course through the sounds we use on the warm-up that has been designed with your specific voice type in mind. Wake up your vocal folds and line them up ready for singing with more focus - so a less airy sound. Wake up your resonance so your voice projects better. balances every element of your singing voice leaving your voice sounding warmer and stronger than before. Help to protect your voice against vocal damage. leave your voice feeling freer and more responsive so your voice will be more predictable when you go to sing - no strange surprises when you open your mouth! Not sure if the vocal warm-up will cover your vocal range? I have taken the time to create 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups for each of the main voice types for the Female and Male voice ensuring that you get the best vocal warm-up for your voice. Here is a list of the main voice types covered on this course... Female High voice = Soprano ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups). Female Middle Voice = Mezzo-Soprano  ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups). Female Low Voice = Alto  ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups). Male High Voice = Tenor  ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups). Male Middle Voice = Baritone  ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups). Male Low Voice = Bass  ( 1 hours worth of vocal warm-ups). The vocal warm-ups are not only designed to fit your voice type I have also made sure to keep them very clean so there is not too much interruption from lots of instruments just a simple piano part so you can focus on your technique and good pitching. The vocal warm-up you learn on this course is a vocal warm-up that all my students use all the time and I do as well. It's a great vocal warm-up that you will find yourself coming back to over and over, as it does the job of warming up your voice very well. So click on the enrol button under the preview video and I look forward to seeing you on the course. See you on the course...Vocal Coach Dylan :)


Requirements I have designed this course with a total beginner singer in mind. A computer and the internet No knowledge needed as I will explain every step in detail.

Course Includes