Chat GPT for Public Speaking: Craft, Captivate, Conquer (AI)

Course Provided by:Howard Tiano
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Welcome to the "Chat GPT for Public Speaking" course, where the power of artificial intelligence meets the art of persuasive communication. This comprehensive course is designed to transform you into a dynamic and influential public speaker

In today's fast-paced world, the ability to convey ideas, captivate audiences, and inspire action is a skill in high demand. Whether you're a professional, a business leader, or an aspiring communicator, this workshop offers invaluable insights into mastering speechcraft.

Our journey begins by introducing you to Chat GPT, the AI genius ready to be your speechwriting partner. You'll discover how Chat GPT can help you brainstorm and refine speech topics effortlessly. Say goodbye to writer's block as you unleash a flood of inspiration!

Next, you'll master the SPEAKING UP framework, a systematic approach to crafting speeches that engage and resonate. From setting the perfect tone to structuring your content for maximum influence, you'll gain the skills to captivate any audience.

We'll dive deep into topics, research, and content creation, infusing stories and personalizing your voice. You'll learn to construct powerful speeches that move people and drive action

At the end, you'll compile all elements of the SPEAKING UP framework and insights gained throughout your journey. You'll leave with not just knowledge but the confidence to craft speeches that inspire, persuade, and captivate.

Join us in the revolution of AI-driven public speaking. Enroll now and become a true wordsmith, equipped to make an impact with every speech you deliver.

NOTE: This course is built upon helping with the speech creation process, NOT the techniques of "performing" your speech in front of a live audience.


Equipment: Computer, tablet, laptop or smartphone to run Chat GPT.,No tech skills needed.,No speaking experience needed.

Course Includes

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. Thie course opened up a new universe for me that will help me find and express my voice.
  2. Lots of great info here. I like the idea of using ChatGPT to fact check itself!
  3. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die Information von Chat GPT stammt und der Präsentator das hölzern vorträgt. Sehr faktenorientiert, momentan wenig emotionale Elemente.
  4. Wow Howard, this is great stuff! As an 8th grade drop out who has never seen the inside of a high school, I was a bit reluctant to lecture at colleges and speak on stages around the world. When I DID land those gigs (from the 3 books I wrote), I was instantly labeled a "loquacious magpie". That was before ChatGPT. With the help of your great, easy to follow course, I feel I can finally become a "cunning linguist" with an AI vocabulary previously available only in academia. Now, after all these years, if only I can overcome my.... SHYNESS! - Captain Lou