ChatGPT: Create & Deploy Your Own AI ChatGPT in JavaScript

Course Provided by:Walaa Fekry
Course Taken on: Udemy
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ChatGPT: Build & Deploy Your Own AI ChatGPT in JavaScript course is a comprehensive, Unlock the Power of ChatGPT and Create Advanced Chatbots with JavaScript using NodeJS, Express, Vite, OpenAI API, and Deploy on GitHub, Render, and Vercel. In this course, you will learn how to use modern web development tools and techniques to create a powerful chatbot that can understand and respond to natural language inputs.

The course begins with an introduction to chatGPT and the OpenAI API, including an overview of the features and capabilities of the GPT-3 model. You will then learn how to set up their development environment, including installing NodeJS, Express framework, and Vite.

Next, You will learn how to create a basic server using NodeJS and Express, and how to integrate the OpenAI API into their application to generate responses to user inputs. They will also learn how to fine-tune the model to improve the chatbot's responses and handle different scenarios.

The course will also cover the deployment process, including deploying the application on GitHub and deploying the client on render. You will also learn how to use Vercel to deploy their application to a live server and make it accessible to the public.

Throughout the course, you will learn how to write clean and maintainable code, use Git and GitHub to manage their codebase, and apply best practices and coding standards to their development process.

By the end of the course, you will have a solid understanding of chatbot development, web development tools and techniques, and the OpenAI API. They will also have a fully functional chatGPT application that they can deploy to a live server and use to communicate with users.


Basics of HTML and CSS.,Basics of JavaScript.,You do not need to be familiar with Node or Express frame work, I will explain everything.

Course Includes

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. There's no explanation in this course
  2. Lecturer talked nothing abt the style.css, just quickly paste code elsewhere and skip it. Yu should upload source code if you dont want to talk abt it. Also pls carefully check the sound