Cyber Security Stories: Because of You!

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I've upgraded my hacking gear! Have you updated your security? Together, we learn only 1 thing at a time. Episode 1: Awareness. Episode 2: Bitcoin (Progressing)... Choose one below. _._._._.,-. XXXX&,-'      ( /oo'.XXXXXX ====(   #        _(")===== _.-(#       .  /\-._.--. (###.\_(-'--'|_(\#\#####.' `-._###'#_#####.#_'.-'' kOs '.--' `-.-.-' Trust me! That's a pig! When offered a choice between dancing pigs and security, the user will always choose the dancing pigs (amusing graphic instead of the actual security warning). This is called as the dancing pig problem. The problem is, sometimes, small as a popup window & sometimes big as the twitter hack. Social Engineering, they say. The art of manipulation. To gather the Most Wanted Thing in the World . <<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>> "What am i?" "A prime minister?" "My data is worth nothing!" you may say. But the internet says otherwise. "Data is the new oil" is a slogan you can see, here, there, everywhere. Individual hackers on one side & Corporate trackers on another side They say, "We're sitting on top of a goldmine". To be honest, the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this internet! Isn't it? Hacking & Tracking. Phishing & Scamming. All those mindless clicks are costing you, your data. A bitter truth! This is what you can expect from this course. Nothing more. Everything is on the internet! We just mix amusing graphic for the sake of learning! Actually, Solving the dancing pig problem! Preview for demo!


Requirements Absolute Curiosity is required

Course Includes