Learn Generative AI with SDXL, Stable Diffusion and ComfyUI

Course Provided by:Pixovert Studio
Course Taken on: Udemy
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ComfyUI is an advanced node-based UI that utilizes Stable Diffusion. It allows you to create customized workflows such as image post-processing or conversions. It is a powerful and modular stable diffusion GUI with a graph/nodes interface. This UI lets you design and execute advanced stable diffusion pipelines using a graph/nodes/flowchart-based interface. It is an extremely powerful Stable Diffusion graphical user interface and the graph/nodes interface is ideal for advanced users as it gives precise control over the diffusion process without any coding being required.

ComfyUI is an amazing tool that can help you achieve your goals with ease and precision. Its advanced features and user-friendly interface make it a top choice for anyone looking to work with Stable Diffusion. Give it a try and see for yourself how it can help you achieve your goals!

Stable Diffusion is a deep learning, text-to-image model that was released in 2022. It is primarily used to generate detailed images conditioned on text descriptions, but it also possesses powerful compositional and post processing potential.

Prompts are at the core of using Stable Diffusion and other Generative AI models.

Prompt engineering is the art of communicating with a generative AI model using natural language. Prompt engineering has been described as the number "one job of the future" at the World Economic Forum and as "an amazingly high-leverage skill and an early example of programming in a little bit of natural language" by Sam Altman, one of the founders of Open AI.

It involves crafting input text that instructs the model on what to do and how to do it, as well as providing, cues, and supporting content to guide the model’s output. Prompt engineering is a valuable skill for constructing intelligent outputs with generative AI, as it can unlock the potential of large language models (LLMs) that have been trained on massive amounts of data.

The course will touch lightly on theory and focus on practicalities, but the theory is always a foundational aspect of the material explored here.

Attention to detail and open-mindedness are essential in Generative AI and both are encouraged throughout the course. The course aims to provide a solid foundational understanding of the software that will act as a launchpad for further exploration.


No programming experience needed, but experience with 'node-based editors' is an advantage,Internet connection - the faster the better,A computer or laptop,An Nvidia graphics card with at least 4GB of memory improves performance hugely, but is not essential,The software is free and open source - bring an open mindset!

Course Includes

  • 6 hours on-demand video
  • 5 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. Really good course if you want start using stable diffusion on your own computer. I don't think that everything is 100% correct (f.e. git install failed because of an obvious simple error), but it is a good stating point do discover this completely new technology.
  2. No support for MacOS thru the entire course, course content is not up-to-date on #20 and #21. Great ideas from the instructor, but is missing cohesion through the curse, so it looses the sense of improvisation that transmites.
  3. This course is highly recommended for beginners! The trainer did an excellent job delivering the subject, and his pace was just right. I was never overwhelmed, and I learned a lot in a short time.
  4. The course was well-organized and covered all the essential topics I required. The trainer also used a variety of instructional strategies to keep me involved and interested, such as lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises.
  5. Overall, I had a fantastic time with this online training session. I would strongly recommend it to anyone unfamiliar with the subject.
  6. Great information, well presented.