Master Generative AI: Unlock AI-Powered Innovation

Course Provided by:Mukund Kumar Mishra
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Welcome to "Mastering Generative AI," a comprehensive Udemy course designed to demystify the world of Generative Artificial Intelligence. Whether you're a novice or an experienced professional, this course provides a structured journey through the key concepts and advanced techniques that power the realm of Generative AI.

Section 1: Introduction to Generative AI

In the opening section, we set the stage with a warm welcome and a course overview, followed by a deep dive into the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence. Discover the different types of learning in AI, unravel the mysteries of Neural Networks, and explore the significance of Deep Learning. This section culminates in a captivating exploration of Generative AI and its real-world applications, complete with a hands-on demo of Deep Learning.

Section 2: Introduction to Generative Models

Moving forward, Section 2 introduces Generative Models, providing a solid foundation for understanding their intricacies. Delve into the diversity of Generative Models and put your knowledge to the test with an engaging quiz.

Section 3: Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

The course progresses into the heart of Generative AI with a detailed examination of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Understand their components, explore variants, and witness a live demonstration of generator and discriminator dynamics. Address the challenges, ethical considerations, and future trends in GANs, all while testing your knowledge with an insightful quiz.

Section 4: Variational Autoencoders (VAEs)

Section 4 takes you on a journey through Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), exploring their architecture, training methods, and practical applications. Watch a captivating demo showcasing VAEs in action and solidify your understanding with a quiz.

Section 5: Autoencoders

Autoencoders take center stage in Section 5, unraveling their architecture, training processes, and real-world applications. Experience the power of Autoencoders in image compression and denoising through a live demo, and assess your knowledge with a comprehensive quiz.

Section 6: Large Language Models in Generative AI

In Section 6, we introduce Large Language Models (LLMs) and delve into their architecture. Explore the future possibilities of LLMs and witness their real-world applications. A quiz awaits to challenge your comprehension.

Section 7: Transformer-Based Generative Models

Discover the transformative power of Transformer-Based Generative Models in Section 7. From their introduction to practical applications, including text generation, translation, sentiment analysis, and creative content generation, this section is packed with knowledge. Engage in hands-on demos and test your understanding with a quiz.

Section 8: Mastering Prompt Engineering

The final section brings it all together with a deep dive into Prompt Engineering. Learn the fundamentals, design effective prompts, and explore various prompt patterns. Real-world applications and advanced techniques are covered, with a quiz to consolidate your expertise.

Embark on this journey of mastering Generative AI, and unlock the potential to create groundbreaking solutions. Enroll now and become a proficient Generative AI practitioner!


1. Basic Programming Knowledge: Familiarity with a programming language, preferably Python, is essential. Understanding of fundamental programming concepts is recommended. 2. Mathematics and Statistics Foundation: A basic grasp of mathematics, including linear algebra and calculus, will be beneficial for comprehending AI concepts. 3. Machine Learning Fundamentals: Prior knowledge of machine learning fundamentals, including neural networks, is helpful but not mandatory. 4. Access to Required Tools: Access to a computer with the ability to install necessary software, such as Python, TensorFlow, and PyTorch. 5. Curiosity and Enthusiasm: A strong desire to explore the exciting world of Generative AI and a passion for learning and problem-solving are essential. These prerequisites ensure that students have the foundational knowledge needed to engage with the course material effectively and make the most of their learning experience.

Course Includes

  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • Assignments
  • 19 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. Very Informative and easy to understand. The trainer has made sure anyone who is new to AI find it very helpful and easy to learn and all the major topics has been covered. Good Course for anyone who wants to learn AI.
  2. Step by step approach with assignments, quiz and practical