Masterclass: AI-Powered Marketing with Vincent Sider

Course Provided by:Vincent Sider
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Unveil the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence as it reshapes the heart and soul of modern marketing. This course is not just another guide; it's a meticulously curated experience, presented by one of the world's foremost marketing maestros, designed to lead you through each pivotal stage of the marketing funnel with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

The digital landscape is evolving, and with it, the tools and techniques that define success. Here, we'll unravel how AI is setting new standards at every turn. Beginning with an exploration of AI's impact on the contemporary customer journey, we'll delve into its profound implications and the seismic shifts it’s causing in the industry.

Advance into the realm of research and ideation, understanding not just the 'what' but the 'how' of using AI to extract profound insights, refine value propositions, and craft messages that resonate deeply. Grasping these facets is no longer optional; it's the bedrock of modern marketing success.

Next, you'll embark on the journey to perfect product-market fit. But this isn’t the vague, trial-and-error approach of yesteryears. With AI, it's a refined, data-driven strategy, honed to align seamlessly with your target demographic.

The art of audience persona creation awaits you next. Here, the world of AI merges with human psychology, enabling you to craft personas so accurate, they're almost lifelike. Transitioning into awareness campaigns, you'll be equipped to create content that doesn't just inform but captivates and drives action.

The final modules are where your campaigns truly take flight. You'll dive deep into optimization techniques that were once considered the stuff of dreams. From refining target precision to predicting the ebbs and flows of campaign performance, AI stands by your side, ensuring every decision is backed by robust data.

And as the course concludes, you'll step into the future of engagement. This isn't just about chatbots. It's about creating AI-powered experiences that engage, enchant, and turn visitors into brand evangelists.

This course isn't just about knowing AI in marketing; it's about wielding it with finesse, making strategic choices at every step, and setting new standards of excellence. It's time to step into the future of marketing, armed with the best tools, strategies, and insights that AI has to offer. Are you ready to ascend to the pinnacle of modern marketing?


This course is designed for marketing professionals who want to use AI tools to optimise the customer journey. This course is suitable for those with no previous experience in analytics, coding, or machine learning.

Course Includes

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion