Mobile Filmmaking Masterclass

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What if you could pick up any camera and instantly shoot short films that leave your audiences breathless giving you the confidence to shoot bigger and more profitable projects? Let me ask you a question Do you feel that making a short film is just not possible ? If only you could figure out a way to access actors, technicians and writers - your short film would come alive. Wouldn’t it be great if you could learn filmmaking instantly? Hi, My name is Abhishek Padmanabhan, and those are the questions I used to struggle with as well. Just imagine if you had the ability to turn stories in your mind into reality in just a few hours. What would you do with that ability. What kind of films would you make? What is that one piece of knowledge that will fast track your short film. Unfortunately, the way the system is run now - if you want to become a filmmaker - you either; Assist A Director for three years and use his knowledge on making your first short film Or you spend approximately Rs 25 Lakhs and three years of your time at an overpriced Film School….and then make your-first-short-film. Or…. You could attend my Online Filmmaking Workshop that will teach you field-tested-guerilla-Filmmaking-Secrets that will turn-you-into-an-OverNight-Filmmaker. I used to dream about making short films.Everywhere I went - all i saw was angles, shots and sequences.But I couldn’t express this filmmaker in me Why? I’m glad you asked You see - I had a story - I had the shots in my mind - but.I didn’t have the confidence needed to just pick up a camera and start filming.Then one day - I discovered a book The book gave the much needed confidence to make my first short film.One year later and six short films down - I’d like to offer you something called the Ninety minute film school It’s called - “ How to become a filmmaker in 90 Minutes”. Here's what you’ll learn in this course MODULE 1 : Cinematography 101 The four different types of shots that you will use to tell your story. How to create cinematography that moves the audience with your story ( Some of these cinematography techniques have been used in movies like ‘ American Hustle and Mission Impossible ) 4 Camera exercises performed for just 4 minutes a day that will help you become your own cinematographer MODULE 2 : Direction 101 How to direct your actors using this 3 step system to eliciting mind blowing performances How to choreograph the performance of your actors using a technique called Video Storyboarding. How to use cinematography to establish a power struggle between your actors in the scene ( Note : This is key in keeping audiences glued to their screen ). MODULE 3 : Skriptwriting 101 The Caveman Story Builder The one secret to writing a story with a hero’s journey that keeps your audience spellbound and hooked to their screens - and how you can figure out this transformation by deciding if your cavemen drawings are happy or sad. Why you should always decide what the starting and ending of the story are before writing the script. The 60 Minute Scriptwriting Template How to lay out the plot of your entire film How to determine the middle point of your story - this will help you figure out the whole script. How to spice up your script by making the hero’s life extremely difficult and making it look like he'll never achieve his goal. How add a slight glimmer of hope - helping the hero achieve his goal. The Directors Manual To Turning Scripts Into Shootable Shots How to use shots to break down each part of your story How to break these story points down into a shot by shot execution plan that will help you shoot your short film fast. Just like you I struggled to make my first short film - until I realized that…… You get more answers from shooting the short film than from thinking about shooting the short film At my last live workshop, one-of-my-students, Rakesh was hesitant about his ability to become a Filmmaker in ninety minutes - until I revealed some of the secrets of this workshop…. Then in a few hours - he shot his first short film - with me as the hero. What happened next shocked me. People were begging me to teach them these overnight-filmmaking-secrets….others were really skeptical that it was even possible. So I gave them a challenge...the SAME challenge I’m going to give you right now. Pay me ten thousand rupees, and I guarantee you’ll become a filmmaker in just 90 Minutes…...and from that point forward, for the rest of your life, you’ll have a skill that will help you make short films at will. And if you’re skeptical…..then don’t worry after I’ve personally trained you and have turned you into a filmmaker once you’ve watched the entire video tutorial - send me an email telling me if this course has worked for you. AND…..If I haven’t turned you into a film-maker….ask for an immediate refund. Does that seem fair? We'll call this “ Abhishek Padmanabhan’s , 90 Minute Filmmaking Challenge.” And so far….I’ve never lost. So I set up a special video course for you..If you watch this video Kourse….I will turn you into a filmmaker in 90 minutes. Here’s what I wan’t you to do for you. If I don’t deliver, or you don’t think the information was worth the price, just send me an email and I'll Process your no-questions-asked-immediate-refund Does that sound fair? It’s kind of like going to a movie, and if you hate it...then you pay NOTHING….. So now it’s your turn to decide. Say yes, and let me prove that my system works. You will just need to click the link below and pay the course fee and you get instant access to the “ How To Become An Overnight Filmmaker Kourse”. You’ve got nothing to lose by giving this a try. If there’s even a chance that this could completely change your life….isn’t it worth checking out? Just click the button below, and get instant access to this life changing Filmmaking Kourse. I promise it will be worth it


Requirements A killer mindset and a willingness to overcome your fears

Course Includes