Own Your Future: Creative Edition

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Ownership. It’s a powerful word because both the result and the responsibility rest in your hands. So when it comes to your career and education, when you have somewhere you want to get to, you have to own the pathway to get there. In this practical short course, Jon Barnes will walk you through a variety of principles, tips, and hacks aimed at giving creative people the momentum they need to get where they want to go. This is the perfect course for you if you are: Interested in a “creative” profession in the future Currently in college or graduate school and getting serious about what’s next In college or graduate school and looking to transfer somewhere else In your first job out of college and looking to grow In a career but looking to switch to a more creative career These tips and hacks are applicable to a wide number of career interests but especially perfect if you’re interested in: Graphic design Industrial design Transportation design Cinematography/film Architecture The fine arts Gaming or software engineering Website design or interactive Marketing, writing, copywriting If you want a high-powered, fast-moving, and stone-cold-simple approach to boosting your creative career path, Own Your Future is for you. What are you waiting for?!


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