Personal Finance for College Students

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Course Taken on: coursary
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Are you going or in college right now? You probably have no idea on how to manage your personal finances. That's why we created this course! We are going to get you ready for the real world and you will get your finances in order TODAY! By the end of this course you will be able to: •Understand the importance of High Net Worth and being rich •Learn to create your first budget •Learn the Core Four of Personal Finance •Learn how to invest (you will invest $10 in 1,000 companies by the end of this course) •Learn the difference between financing and owning •Learn to protect your credit for free •Set yourself up to retire early •Learn how debt can prevent you from doing what you want •Learn how to develop a side hustle to increase your skill set and income •Learn how what lifestyle inflation is and how to avoid it


Requirements None

Course Includes