Zombie Escape: A Point & Click 3D Game using Unity's NavMesh

Course Provided by:Billy McDaniel
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Welcome to "Zombie Escape," a comprehensive course designed for beginner to intermediate level game developers, guiding you step-by-step through creating an immersive Point & Click 3D game using Unity's powerful NavMesh system.

In this course, you will:

  • Implement Point & Click player movement with Unity's NavMesh Agent and create smooth animations based on velocity

  • Develop a versatile Finite State Machine (FSM) in C# to control enemy behaviors such as Patrol, Idle, Chase, Attack, and Standby

  • Build a geomorphic-style procedural level generator and leverage Unity's NavMesh Surface for A* Pathfinding in dynamically generated environments

  • Configure NavMesh Agents, Obstacles, Modifiers, Areas, and Agent Types to create realistic and challenging gameplay

  • Design intelligent enemy flocking behaviors, ensuring enemies surround the player while waiting for their turn to attack

  • Create enemy Spawn Nests with customizable rules for activation, enemy types, and rewards

  • Utilize ScriptableObjects for effective organization and memory optimization

  • Implement a Singleton script to manage health, inventory, and upgrades across multiple scenes and levels

  • Design comprehensive Health & Combat systems to make your game fully playable and enjoyable

By the end of this course, you'll have gained the skills and knowledge to create your own captivating 3D games using Unity's NavMesh system, and you'll be well-equipped to tackle more advanced game development challenges. Join us on this exciting journey and create your own Zombie Escape today!


Have basic experience with Unity and C# programming,Understand fundamental C# concepts and Unity workflows,Be familiar with using Blender for exporting models and importing them into Unity (although detailed explanations will be provided),Note that no prior 3D modeling skills are necessary, as all required 3D assets are included with the course,Be prepared to learn new C# coding techniques and Unity features, as they will be explained throughout the course,Have a willingness to learn and experiment with new concepts and techniques in game development

Course Includes

  • 18 hours on-demand video
  • 2 articles
  • 59 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. Amazing course, learnt a lot. Thank you.
  2. An amazing course that talk of the various Unity function combined in an interesting project, enjoying all.
  3. Great so far thanks
  4. I have never used the Nav mesh before and I like it. nice instructions to this point and clearly broadcast!