Chakra balancing is a simple, safe, effective, non-invasive, and super easy healing technique that anyone can learn and practice - anytime, anywhere. This course is designed to show you how to start giving simple, yet powerful healing treatments on others and on yourself. This course comprises of 14 videos, printable PDF documents and 3 quizzes to help guide you into the effective practice of Chakra Balancing and energy medicine. At the completion of this course you can choose to become FULLY ACCREDITED which means that that you can become recognised by an industry association body (IICT) and operate as a fully qualified and professional energy medicine practitioner. *Please be aware, to cover the costs of administration and the processing of a fully accredited certificate, there are a number of case studies that need to be completed plus, a $30usd processing fee on application. In this course, we will: - Delve into the 7 Chakras - Learn practical techniques that focus on harmonizing the Chakras - Learn how to effectively treat yourself and others - Learn how to dissolves major stress triggers in less than 5 minutes Chakra Balancing can assist with: - Reducing anxiety and stress - Increasing relaxation - Relieving psychosomatic pain - Overcoming phobias and fears that may be holding you back - Increasing creativity and intuition - Clear and resolve digestive problems - Boosting the immune system - Naturally enhancing your work and presentation skills - Increasing confidence - Remaining calm and clear in the midst of stressful circumstances - and much more...
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    The body has a variety of energy points. These energy points can either be balanced and energized at a higher frequency or deflated at a lower frequency. When the energy points are deflated, they bring experiences at that vibration level in order to mature and evolve. They come in the form of beliefs that you took on. Some serve your highest good and some don’t. Some you are conscious of and others you are not. I call these energy points, chakra points. These energy points can be sped up to a higher frequency which will help support the releasing of beliefs in the form of energy that are not serving you. As they are sped up you will feel a deep releasing and purification. This can save your years of therapy. This also can speed up your spiritual evolution to greater prosperity in love, joy, peace, health and finances. Learn the meaning of the 8 Chakra points and tools to expanding them into higher vibration frequencies. These higher frequencies include love, joy, peace, prosperity and vitality. Also experience a 47 minute Chakra meditation, going into a deeper state of relaxation, where the 8 Chakra points are purified and expanded into greater levels of love.
      Welcome to this very comprehensive Professional One to One Chakra Healing Practitioner Course , in this course you will learn everything you need to know to set up in business as a Chakra Healing Practitioner. Your training qualifies you to practise professionally and to get insurance as a Chakra Healing Practitioner which makes it very unique. Learn about the aura and the 7 subtle energy bodies Get some real indeeeeepth knowledge about the chakras Learn how to activate you own Chi from within to use for healing Learn about the Merkabah field and how you can support yourself and your clients with the fantastic procedures that you will learn. Learn about the Kundalini fire and understand how you are already experiencing this fire and most likely never realised. Learn how to channel Kundalini energy Learn about pendulums and their use as healing tools. Learn 7 different procedures that make up the Chakra Healing Learn how to use crystals for chakra healing etc etc You will be supported throughout by me as your online tutor should you need help. I love what I do and with over 28,000 students and thousands of reviews I hope that shows, together we are making a HUGE difference Blessings in the light Tania
        Are you stuck? Unable to make any forward movement in your life? Feeling unsupported? Gaining weight? Is fear driving? Are your feet on shaky ground? Do you have great ideas but can never bring them into form? Are you buried under laundry and dishes? Root chakra is our base of support. Discover the fundamental physical and emotional issues associated with a weak root chakra. Identify how they play out in your health and life. Then learn practices for daily living. This is yoga off the mat. Navigating your life from the inside out. It's time to understand the meaning of grounded .
          This course has been designed to help participants understand how their chakra energy system works and how by using sound healing, they can achieve balancing and rejuvenation. Sound healing is an expansive but non-invasive method of healing. The subtle sound frequencies can permeate our energetic body to help it come to alignment much more effectively than many other healing modalities. In specific this course introduces vocal sound healing - more specifically, I use the vibrations from the tones and rhythms that are channeled from my voice to help bring healing and alignment. In this 1.5 hour course, participants will experience clearer understand of their chakra system and why it is important to restore balance in this area. Most importantly, participants will be experience 7 sound healing sessions that will clear their energetic field, activate their chakras and energise their energy body. The result? Heightened clarity, rejuvenation and greater inner peace! My technique is safe and simple. Participants will be guided through a series of instructions to bring healthy alignment to your chakras (energy centres in your body). Remember, our sound healing is channeled from our natural voice, it is ‘ Expansive but Non-Invasive ’ to our body, mind and soul.
            Are you ready to bring greater balance into your life both physically and psychologically? Are you ready to go on a journey of self-exploration and discovery? In this course we will explore the chakra system using Yin Yoga.  You will learn how to connect more deeply to the chakras as well as understand their relations to the physical body (organ systems and areas of the body) and the emotional body.  You will learn how each chakra is related to certain psychological and emotional aspects and how to bring the chakras into balance using yoga, breathing techniques, and affirmations as well as crystals and essential oils. Imagine settling in for your yoga practice anytime, anywhere and feeling your body relax and release, the tension disappearing from your body and your mind settling.  Imagine exploring and connecting to yourself in new ways - opening up to new possibilities.  Imagine exploring the deeper connections of mind and body as they relate to your health and daily life overall. Yin Yoga provides an opportunity to heal the mind and body - releasing tension, relieving stress, and allowing the mind and body to rest and heal - returning to balance.  Yin Yoga poses focus on mobilizing and strengthening your connective tissue throughout the body, helping improve overall flexibility and mobility, improving joint and bone health, creating greater mental focus, and fostering a sense of connection and healing.    Poses are held from 1-8 minutes to target the deep connective tissue and are the perfect balance to our very active lifestyles. This course is designed for all levels from beginners to advanced yoga practitioners. With detailed instructions and intuitive sequencing, I will guide you through the practices offering variations and modifications for the poses.  NO music, no distraction, just pure yoga bliss.  You can practice at your own pace, whenever and wherever you want! By voluntarily participating in this exercise program or using the information provided, you assume all risk of injury to yourself and release and discharge The Yoga Ranger Studio and/or Aprille Walker from all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising from use of this video or information therein. All videos are copyright The Yoga Ranger Studio/Aprille Walker and are meant for personal use only.  Please do not share, distribute or sell this content without the express written permission of The Yoga Ranger Studio/Aprille Walker.
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              In this course you will learn among others: what is Reiki, how Reiki energy and Reiki therapy differs from other energies and energetic therapies, what is aura and how to care for aura, what are chakras and how they work, connections between chakras and organs and emotions, recognizing chakra's dysharmony. and more. I am teacher of Reiki since 2009. I taught over 1000 people in several countries. All of them are good in this, what they do. I also published a book about Reiki healing, which was for 3 months on bestseller list ("Reiki. Odkryj moc zdrowia", Helion publishing house). In the course I explain you everything you need to proper and safe Reiki practice. I teach you lots of different techniques in Reiki healing. Thanks to this you can start help yourself and others and you can improve your health and quality of life. Read my course curriculum - you will get know, that the course will be probably interesting, useful and worth for you. Stay healthy and be happy! Martha
                Kindly follow me on social media to see what value I can add to you. Instagram @shivcalling A lot of misinformation and false marketing is being spread in the name of chakra activation. Only physical experience is the valid proof of our success in Chakra activation. I am sharing the methods that helped me find my chakras physically and activating them. Hence I am speaking from personal experience. Common advantages of activating chakras: 1. Total Health and immunity - Connect with Prana (energy body) 2. Increased creativity and intelligence 3. Peace and bliss for the mind and soul 4. Beauty and youth - feel the age reversal 5. Spiritual powers - with access to these energy vortices, powers of healing and manifestation come by themselves. Our Chakras and Kundalini are part of our energy body. That energy body is what is the cause of our physical body, and make our vibes. And our vibes attract our tribe :) This is a fun, and in-depth course, and is best suited for Chakra and Prana Healers, who want to know fundamentals of chakra system based on ancient Yoga tradition. This course is about direct experience of Charkas within our body and energising them using Meditation + prana energy + Mantra + Sound vibrations. Topics covered in the course: 1. Understanding of Chakra and our Lotus energy body 2. Divine Mindset - The Yogic secret of positive spiritual mindset before we start the meditation 3. Turning the senses Inwards - To go inside our body to find the chakras 4. Quietening the mind - The essence of Raja Yoga 5. Understanding the axis line of our Chakras where we need to move our awareness 6. Using breath as vehicle to go inside the body 7. Direct experience of the chakra energy vortices through meditation. 8. Chakra healing using Prana energy and Beej Mantra It won't be an exaggeration to say that Chakra hold the key to the evolution of mankind. Peak of health, peak of strength, peak of creativity, peak of Intelligence, peak of spiritual ecstasy, all this is possible through meditating on our chakras. But what is the condition of chakra meditation today? Today in the name of chakra meditation all we do is, visualise colours and symbols and patterns, and we reach nowhere. How many of us can claim that they have been able to find chakras within them? It is because, the premise has been wrong. It is because people with no idea of Chakras, teaching others what are chakras. And all they have understood is that chakras are basic concepts, and all they need to do is visualise them. But imaginations and visualisations are just that, they are imaginary. They won't lead to any result. While our real aim should be, to go inside and and find these chakras that are inside our body. And their impression is as physical as touch of a hand, or any other physical touch. And this is what the course will be about; it will be about going inside and finding our Chakras that are always inside us. No visualisation, direct experience is the name of the game here. And direct experience is the only validation of our success in this meditation. So join me in this journey. I really want you to be able to find the Chakras because really, it is in our chakras that our superpowers lie. It will enrich our life and would help us lead an extraordinary life.
                  This course will give you the basic understanding of the Chakra system and their functions. Understanding and applying the knowledge learned in this course may help to enhance your overall physical well-being. The course will give you the tools to begin healing blockages in your energy body, regain balance in areas of your life, and gain a deeper understanding for self.
                    This class explores each of the seven major chakras and how they affect your life. You will learn how the seven major chakras are already informing your life choices through your energy and physical bodies. This sacred knowledge can promote greater awareness and deep healing. Included in this course are lectures, worksheets and meditations for each chakra, a quick reference guide to the chakras and the tools that help you develop or boost each of your chakras. And a bonus quick clearing meditation to clear all of your chakras.