Join over 1,000 students in one of the top-rated Online DJ Courses on Udemy! You too can start learning today! My name is Jak Bradley and I have over 10 years experience and DJed all across the world, with my current Club residency in the party resort of Malia, Greece. I have DJed alongside Joel Corry , James Hype , Endor , Meduza , Sammy Porter , Kideko, Judge Jules and many more. In this course, I teach you all the techniques I use in my own DJ sets so you too can become a professional DJ. Learn by Doing - 7 Free Downloadable Tracks Included in this course are the same 7 tracks that I use to demonstrate the techniques, making it easier for you to play along and understand. Learn on any Equipment All the skills taught in this course work across the board. Most DJ equipment have a similar layout and the same features, so no matter what equipment you have, you can still apply these skills. On-Demand Video Lectures Pause, rewind and fast-forward as much as you like. Learn at your own pace, in your own time, from the comfort of your own home. Instructor Assistance If you need any extra help, I am always here. Drop me a message and I will help you the best I can. 10 Steps to Success I have carefully designed this course to take you step by step though the correct learning process in the most efficient way possible. Learning all the most important skills that you need to become  DJ. 1. What Everything Does - We go through what all the buttons and dials do on your decks and software. 2. The Library & Track Analysis - Before we play our tracks, we make sure they are correctly set up and organised. 3. The Structure of Music - Knowing how music is structured is the key to planning our mixes 4. Beat matching & Sync - We make sure we can line the beats up perfectly to avoid the awful double beating 5. Headphones - We learn how to listen to both tracks separately and together in our headphones and why we need to do this. 6. Timing - We practice the best times to mix our tracks for perfect sounding mixes 7. Mixing - Once the tracks are perfectly timed, we can practice using the equalizers to smoothly blend the tracks. 8. Cue Points - We look at different ways to use cue points to jump to different parts of our tracks during mixing 9. Loops - We get more creative with mixing by using the loop feature 10. Effects - We go over which are the most popular effects and the best times to use them New Extra Advanced Lectures - After taking students feedback on board, I have added extra lectures that include advanced mixing tutorials you can practice and how I prepare my tracks before my gigs This proven system is perfect for any beginner who is serious about becoming a DJ. "The structure of the lessons themselves are great and easy to follow, the tutor has planned this out very well and any beginner can pick this up and follow along as I have managed to." - John Purdie If this sounds like you, look no further and take the plunge to becoming a DJ today! See you on the course! Jak Bradley
    In this course we will learn how to use the Pioneer software, one of the best on the market. We’ll start from the scratch, so you don’t need to have previous knowledge. You may follow it only with the software and additionally you can use a compatible controller. We have compacted the content without forgetting anything necessary, taking care of the scripts and video editing so that you can learn everything you need to start mixing without wasting your time. The course is compressed in less than two hours and a half and we guarantee that once finished you will be able to make quality mixes. We are so convinced of the quality of the course that we offer TOTAL GUARANTEE . You have up to one month to try it and if you do not learn or you just do not like it, we will refund 100% of the cost of the course, without questions.
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      Eq and compressors play a very important role in controlling and shaping music, movies, and TV shows. So it shouldn't be a surprise its the most used tools in audio engineering. Eq is widely used even outside of the audio world. Anything you do adjust the bass or treble of a sound is using eq. Car stereos, ipod, smart phones music player, computers, all have eq controls. Even when you adjust the sound presets on your TV you are using eq. With the EQ spread use of EQ in our everyday life you can see why its so important to get EQ right when we are engineering. After completing this course you will see just how powerful EQ can be. Compressors aren't widely used as EQ outside of audio engineering, but is still very important to learn. Using compression is the most understood tool used in audio. And because there are so many different compressors its no wonder they can be confusing. This course will teach you the basics of EQ and compression. Two tools vital to becoming a good audio engineer. With over 15 years of experience in audio I will share with ways to understand what eq and compression does, as well as how its used. After this course stay tuned as I will more courses coming soon. Since Compression is always a hot topic in audio I have a few more courses on compression planned out. This course is for beginners, but even if your past a the beginning stages of engineering I encourage you to still subscribe to this course. You may learn something you didn't already know. This course will take one hour to complete and will be followed by a quiz. If you want to further your knowledge about compression check out Basics of Compression course. Any questions my contact info will be provided in the course.
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        ◼️コース紹介◼️ DTM(Desktop Music)でドラム・ベース・ピアノなどの音を出しながら、各楽器の特徴や打ち込み方を学びます。音域・音の強さ・テンポの設定の仕方から、録音・再生・編集の方法まで、プロの作曲家が音楽作りのテクニックを解説していきます。 このコースでは、プロの有名作曲家からGarageBandを使ったDTMでの基礎的な音楽制作方法を学びます。最終的には1曲の曲を作成できるようになることを目標に、曲を構成する楽器ごとに打ち込み方法などを丁寧に解説しながら、コースの内容を進めていきます。 これまでに「映画やテレビなどで使われるようなBGMを自分で作ってみたい」と思ったことはありませんか?実際に楽器を弾けなくても、DTMなら一般的な楽器から伝統楽器までさまざまな音色で、簡単に音楽制作ができるんです! 全3回でDTMの基礎が学べ、修了時にはBGMレベルの音楽を作ることができるスキルを習得できます。ぜひGarageBand入門編としても活用してみてください。 音楽の知識がゼロの方や初めてGarageBandを使う方でも心配ありません。DTMの基礎から分かりやすく丁寧に説明していきます。ある程度の経験があるけど、イチから復習して基礎を固めて、ステップアップしたい方にもオススメです。 そして実践としてドラム・ベース・ピアノの打ち込み方だけでなく、練習曲を理解する際のポイントやうまく打ち込めない時の練習方法やコツなども、プロがしっかりと指導するので、未経験の方でも楽しみながらスキルを身につけられます。 さらに打ち込んだ音を録音や再生、編集することを学び、音程・強弱の調整や書き出しから、音のコピペや魔法のような修正方法まで、さまざまなテクニックを習得できる内容になっています。 楽器は弾けないけど音楽を作ってみたい人、パソコンでクールな音楽を作りたい人、音楽の知識は一切ないけど興味はある人、まずは一緒に楽しく音を奏でることから、新しいスタートの一歩を始めてみませんか? この講座を通して、身に着けたスキルを駆使し、次はあなたが考えたオリジナルの楽曲を作って、いろいろな人に披露してみましょう。 ◼️講師紹介◼️ 今回のDTM講座の講師は、株式会社KAY PRODUCTIONの代表を務める作曲家の河原嶺旭先生です。 17歳から音楽を始め、18歳で専門学校に進学。在学中の20歳の時にテレビドラマの楽曲で作曲家デビュー。2011年にはAKB48の「風は吹いている」がその年の年間チャートで3位を獲得しました。他にも乃木坂46やアニメのイナズマイレブンGOなどを担当。また中国でも有名番組の音楽やゲーム音楽、アニメ音楽を手掛け、日本と中国を中心に作曲家、音楽プロデューサーとして活躍しています。
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          ■■ このコースを通じて、Google スプレッドシートの基本機能を活用した文字に対する分析ができるようになります。 ■■ 今まで表計算ソフトといえば、Microsoft 社が提供するExcel(エクセル)が一般的でした。 みなさんも、Excel を使って売上管理や課題管理、見積書・請求書などの帳票を作成したことがあるのではないでしょうか。 Excel はシンプルでとても便利な表計算ソフトです。でも、作成したファイルやデータの共有はあまり得意とはいえません。 また、複数のメンバーでリアルタイムに情報を更新することも苦手です。 本コースで解説するGoogle スプレッドシートは、「Google 版のExcel」と呼ばれることもあります。 最近では、Excel にはない新機能が次々と追加されており、業務効率を飛躍的に高めてくれるツールになっています。特に、複数のメンバーと情報共有をする、という利用シーンにおいては、Excelよりも優れているのかもしれません。 近年ではG Suiteと呼ばれるGoogleのサービスの導入事例が急速に増加しており、既にあなたの所属する企業が教育機関でも導入されているのではないでしょうか。 しかし、Google スプレッドシートを使える環境が広がっている一方で、Google スプレッドシートを学べる環境はなかなかありません。 ほとんどの教材はExcelばかり。そして、便利な機能がありすぎてどのように学習していったらよいのか、そのような場面でその関数や機能を使ったら良いのかわからないといったこともあるのではないでしょうか。 このコースでは、そんなGoogle スプレッドシートを優しく丁寧に、そして楽しく解説していきます。 ゴールデンボンバー『誕生日でも結婚式でも使える歌』を使用し、歌詞をGoogle スプレッドシートに文字起こししていきます。 そのあと、起こした文字に対してGoogle スプレッドシートの標準機能を用いて分析を行っていきます。 「Google スプレッドシートなんて使ったことない…どうやったら使えるの」と 不安に思っている方でも大丈夫! Googleスプレッドシートの基本的な活用方法をこのコースで学習しましょう。 ■■ 楽曲の使用に関して■■ このコースでは、ゴールデンボンバー『誕生日でも結婚式でも使える歌』をYouTube上で再生し、学習を進めていきます。 この楽曲の使用に関してですが、オリコンさんの記事によると「使用料を気にせずに誰でも広く自由に楽曲を使ってほしい」とのことですので、ありがたく使わせていただいています。 拝見した記事はレクチャー2:「この楽曲の使用に関して」にリンクを張り付けていますので、ご覧ください。 念のため、『誕生日でも結婚式でも使える歌』の著作権管理を行っている所属事務所のユークリッド・エージェンシーさんにも お問い合わせをしたところ、「ぜひお使いください」とのことだったので使わせていただいております。 ゴールデンボンバーさん、本当にありがとうございます。 ■■コースの詳細■■ 【ゴールデンボンバー『誕生日でも結婚式でも使える歌』を聴いてみよう】 「YouTubeでの音楽再生」 歌詞の文字起こしをするにあたって、YouTubeでどの曲を流すのか、どのように曲を流すのかを解説します。 文字起こしをしやすいように、お好みの再生速度に調節できるように、再生速度の変更も学習します。 【Google スプレッドシートで歌詞分析してみよう】 「Google スプレッドシートを使ってみよう」 「『誕生日でも結婚式でも使える歌』を文字起こししよう」 「『誕生日でも結婚式でも使える歌』の歌詞を分析しよう」 YouTubeで音楽を流し、そして共有機能を用いて効率的な歌詞の文字起こしを体験します。 その後、起こした歌詞に対して、簡単な関数を用いて、最大値、最小値、平均値といった基本的な分析を行っていきます。 【歌詞をもっと分析しよう】 「分析シートの作成(分析下準備)」 「1つ1つの文字の数を数える」 「グラフの活用」 「ピボットテーブルでの分析」 歌詞を一文字一文字に分割し、どのようにしたら効率的に文字を分割できるかを一緒に考えていきます。 そして、便利な関数を用いて、分割した文字に対し一文字一文字ずつ分析を行っていきます。 そして、グラフやピボットテーブルといった便利な機能を用いることで、視覚的にわかりやすい分析を行います。 ■■ 次のような方には受講は向きません ■■ Google スプレッドシートをかなり知っていて、使いこなしている方 Excelについて学びたい方
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            From complete beginner to playing on your Pioneer DDJ-SB2 using beatmixing, cues, loops, samples & more... You're here because you've got (or are thinking of buying) one of the most popular DJ controllers, the Pioneer DDJ-SB2, and want to know how to play awesome DJ sets on it. I'm here because I make DJ and DJ/producer courses for Digital DJ Tips , the online DJ school of choice for over 18,000 students in 105 countries. Welcome To How To DJ With The Pioneer DDJ-SB2... Here at Digital DJ Tips, we train DJs and DJ/producers from beginner right up to fully pro. Scratch DJs, mobile/wedding DJs, club DJs and music producers have all turned their dreams into full-time careers by following our full curriculum. But we also know that many DJs give up in their first six weeks! They find taking those first steps in digital DJing just too hard... and so their new gear ends up gathering dust under the stairs. Even if they persevere, it can take them months to nail the basics. That's why we've created our "How To DJ With..." series. Featuring the same world-class instructors who teach our pro curriculum, these concise and practical courses take you from complete beginner (yes, we mean complete beginner) to being a DJ! You'll master the gear, the music, the skills and the features so that you too can pull tricks that will amaze your friends and family, and help you to pack dancefloors right from the very start. What makes this course so different?  Apart from being absolutely FREE! It doesn't throw jargon and features at you with no explanation of what or why. It doesn't lose sight of the fact that you want to know the important stuff so you can actually play the music you love to other people, fast! And crucially, it doesn't forget what it's like to be a beginner. Get started today and join the thousands of happy students of Digital DJ Tips - and who knows, it could be your first step to a changed career, fulfilling a lifelong dream... So what does this course cover? You'll learn how to set up your new controller and the software you need to get started We'll teach you how to source, organise and prepare your music, including how to incorporate iTunes into your hardware and software set-up You'll get the lowdown on how to mix, including auto beatmixing and counting beats, for amazing transitions And finally, we'll show you how to use hot cues, loops, and samples, and even how to manually beatmix, so you can play just like pro DJs. But that's not all! You'll also get: ... 12 hours of live classroom training via our Digital DJ Tips StudentLive monthly webinars, where you get to ask questions and get instant help with your DJing ... PLUS a f ree download of "Rock The Dancefloor!" , our best-selling Amazon book on DJing, which has five star reviews So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start your DJ journey with your Pioneer DDJ-SB2 Over 23 videos and five modules you'll learn: How to download and install your software How to connect your controllers, headphones and speakers How the DJ controller mirrors what you see on your screen How the browser works for organising your music How iTunes integrates with your DJ software The benefits of using playlists to organise your tunes The best places online to get tracks from Using the headphones and crossfader to prepare and execute your first mix Using "sync" to get your mix right every time The secret of counting beats for tighter, more pro mixes How to mix from outro to intro to keep your transitions smooth Using hot cues to jump to parts of tracks Why looping is your best friend Using the pitch faders to match tempos Lining up waveforms to match beats Adding effects and drum sounds to the sampler What else will you get? A friendly, informal community to support you every step of the way Personal contact with me, the course tutor Lifetime access to course materials Hands-on learning to lock that knowledge in Never waste another minute learning from out-of-date books, or yawn-some, poor quality YouTube videos again! With How To DJ With Your Pioneer DDJ-SB2, everything’s ready to go, in one convenient, mapped-out course. Plus you’ll get fast, friendly, responsive support by email, Twitter and on the Udemy forums. Or enjoy chatting with our 850,000-strong community on our website and social channels.
              Adobe Audition CCは、映像のサウンド編集や ラジオ番組の制作などのコンテンツの制作現場で、 幅広く使われている非常に優れた音声編集ソフトです。 また、Audition CCには、以前なら数万円もしたような、 とても高性能なエフェクトが多く搭載されています。 この講座では、Audition CCの基本操作から 音の基礎知識、保存形式の基礎知識、マルチトラックの基本操作、 Premiere Proとの連携、屋外映像、ナレーションなどに入ったノイズの除去、 全てのエフェクトの基本について学ぶことができます。 この講座を学ぶことで、音の基本や映像作品や音楽、 ゲーム音などの編集、様々な音声のノイズ除去を身に付けることで、 今までより何倍も価値のあるツールとして使えるようになってください。
                    This course has been designed from the ground up to teach you proper technique for fingerstyle guitar playing - covering a wide range of techniques found in all styles of guitar playing. In this course you'll be taught by a world class tutor ensuring you learn the correct technique from day 1 with no bad habits! The course is broken into 5 chapters - in these you'll learn everything from how to properly attack the strings through to how to play like your favourite fingerstyle players. This is done through a mixture of lessons, exercises and musical studies. The course includes 5 arrangements in the style of your favourite artists (Bob Dylan, James Taylor, Lennon/McCartney, Paul Simon and John Mayer), as well as two arrangements for solo fingerstyle guitar in which you'll learn to play the melody and accompaniment at the same time! If you're new to fingerstyle guitar then this course will take you from where you are today through to being able to play like your favourite artists. Even if you're already a confident fingerstyle guitarist, this course is a 'must have' - you can revisit the course whenever you feel like your technique and coordination needs a 'tune up'! The course tutor is Stuart Ryan - a professional guitarist, with over 20 years experience playing for Studio Sessions, TV, Film and as a concert guitarist. Stuart's also a well known educator, as Head of Guitar at BIMM Bristol and for 15 years he was a regular educational columnist to Guitarist, Guitar Techniques and Acoustic Guitar magazines; as well as being featured in many national publications. Stuart's taught thousands of guitarists, many of whom have gone on to play professionally - you're in great hands! So whatever your reason for being here, if you're looking to learn or improve your fingerstyle skills then this is the course for you!