
Many organizations, simply leverage CRM marketing to send an email or push message when they have something they want to sell. We have all subscribed to email lists, where you are constantly bombarded with messages about whatever the brand wants to sell us. Sometimes it is useful, but quite often it misses the mark and that is reflected in declining open rates, click thru rates and transactions. It can also often result in a customer opt outing out of receiving your messages, the biggest enemy of any CRM marketer. Unfortunately, this is how a lot of businesses approach CRM marketing. They push out a sales message to everyone on their list and hope for the best! And they think they are doing well because they are driving a revenue upside, often small, sometimes even 2-1, 3-1 ROI in some cases.

However there is a much smarter way to approach CRM Marketing, an approach that can deliver 10,000%+ ROI and potentially millions of dollars in incremental revenue.

Organisations that maximise results from CRM marketing know 3 key things are critical:

1. Understanding different types of customers using data and research.

2. Focusing on what these different types of customers need as their relationship with your brand evolves along the customer lifecycle.

3. Creating relevant content and communications that reflect both the customers profile, interests and mindset and their stage in the lifecycle. This where personalization, generative AI and predictive AI comes in.

This is an extremely practical course and provides CRM marketing students of all levels the tools required to deliver world class CRM marketing programs that maximise results.


Many organizations, simply leverage CRM marketing to send an email or push message when they have something they want to sell. We have all subscribed to email lists, where you are constantly bombarded with messages about whatever the brand wants to sell us. Sometimes it is useful, but quite often it misses the mark and that is reflected in declining open rates, click thru rates and transactions. It can also often result in a customer opt outing out of receiving your messages, the biggest enemy of any CRM marketer. Unfortunately, this is how a lot of businesses approach CRM marketing. They push out a sales message to everyone on their list and hope for the best! And they think they are doing well because they are driving a revenue upside, often small, sometimes even 2-1, 3-1 ROI in some cases.

However there is a much smarter way to approach CRM Marketing, an approach that can deliver 10,000%+ ROI and potentially millions of dollars in incremental revenue.

Organisations that maximise results from CRM marketing know 3 key things are critical:

1. Understanding different types of customers using data and research.

2. Focusing on what these different types of customers need as their relationship with your brand evolves along the customer lifecycle.

3. Creating relevant content and communications that reflect both the customers profile, interests and mindset and their stage in the lifecycle. This where personalization, generative AI and predictive AI comes in.

This is an extremely practical course and provides CRM marketing students of all levels the tools required to deliver world class CRM marketing programs that maximise results.


Are you a forward-thinking content creator eager to infuse innovation into your work? Elevate your content creation game to unprecedented levels by embracing cutting-edge AI technologies like ChatGPT, Veed AI, Leonardo AI, 11 Labs AI, DID Studios, and DALL-E. The course is meticulously crafted for content creators, marketers, and anyone seeking to leverage the power of AI to enhance their creative process.

What You'll Gain:

  1. ChatGPT - Conversational AI Mastery: Uncover the potential of ChatGPT for content generation, ideation, and refining your writing style. Delve into prompt engineering secrets to maximize the impact of this OpenAI-developed language model.

  2. Leonardo AI - Redefining Visual Creativity: Unlock the creative potential of Leonardo AI for visual content creation. From image manipulation to artistic enhancements, this tool empowers you to turn ideas into captivating visuals seamlessly.

  3. 11 Labs AI - Streamlined Content Production: Streamline your content creation workflow with 11 Labs AI, automating repetitive tasks, generating data-driven insights, and optimizing your content strategy for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

  4. DID Studios: Revolutionize your video production with Vidyo AI, harnessing artificial intelligence to analyze, edit, and enhance video content automatically, enabling you to create professional-looking videos effortlessly.

  5. DALL-E - Artistic Image Generation: Step into the world of artistic image generation with DALL-E. Explore how this AI model generates unique visuals based on textual prompts, unleashing your creativity in visual content creation.

Why AI is Essential:

AI is the catalyst reshaping the content creation landscape. Analyzing data, understanding user preferences, and generating high-quality content, AI propels the next wave of innovation. Content creators embracing AI gain a competitive edge, producing engaging, personalized, and efficient content that deeply resonates with their audience.

Enroll Now for an AI-Infused Journey:

Don't miss your chance to lead in the dynamic realm of content creation.

Enroll in our course for a transformative journey. Acquire the skills and knowledge essential for thriving in an AI-driven future. Enroll now and unlock a new era of creative possibilities!

AI awaits, along with your next level of success.

Embark on this journey now!


Are you a forward-thinking content creator eager to infuse innovation into your work? Elevate your content creation game to unprecedented levels by embracing cutting-edge AI technologies like ChatGPT, Veed AI, Leonardo AI, 11 Labs AI, DID Studios, and DALL-E. The course is meticulously crafted for content creators, marketers, and anyone seeking to leverage the power of AI to enhance their creative process.

What You'll Gain:

  1. ChatGPT - Conversational AI Mastery: Uncover the potential of ChatGPT for content generation, ideation, and refining your writing style. Delve into prompt engineering secrets to maximize the impact of this OpenAI-developed language model.

  2. Leonardo AI - Redefining Visual Creativity: Unlock the creative potential of Leonardo AI for visual content creation. From image manipulation to artistic enhancements, this tool empowers you to turn ideas into captivating visuals seamlessly.

  3. 11 Labs AI - Streamlined Content Production: Streamline your content creation workflow with 11 Labs AI, automating repetitive tasks, generating data-driven insights, and optimizing your content strategy for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

  4. DID Studios: Revolutionize your video production with Vidyo AI, harnessing artificial intelligence to analyze, edit, and enhance video content automatically, enabling you to create professional-looking videos effortlessly.

  5. DALL-E - Artistic Image Generation: Step into the world of artistic image generation with DALL-E. Explore how this AI model generates unique visuals based on textual prompts, unleashing your creativity in visual content creation.

Why AI is Essential:

AI is the catalyst reshaping the content creation landscape. Analyzing data, understanding user preferences, and generating high-quality content, AI propels the next wave of innovation. Content creators embracing AI gain a competitive edge, producing engaging, personalized, and efficient content that deeply resonates with their audience.

Enroll Now for an AI-Infused Journey:

Don't miss your chance to lead in the dynamic realm of content creation.

Enroll in our course for a transformative journey. Acquire the skills and knowledge essential for thriving in an AI-driven future. Enroll now and unlock a new era of creative possibilities!

AI awaits, along with your next level of success.

Embark on this journey now!


Welcome to this course on Custom GPTs - and how to build your own FREE AI SEO Tools with ChatGPT.

In this free course, you're not just going to learn; you're going to transform the way you approach SEO.

First off, we'll explore how AI can revolutionize SEO.

I'll guide you through the steps to build your very own AI SEO tool.

Yes, you heard that right. No coding, no hassle.

We'll dive into practical strategies to use this tool for maximizing your SEO impact. I'll share real-life examples and case studies that show these strategies in action. Now, here's a crucial part: Disclaimer: Remember, AI in SEO is a new frontier.

It's exciting, but it comes with risks. This course is about experimenting and learning. We're not claiming miracles here.

We're exploring potential and having some fun along the way. So, if you're ready to step up your SEO game and dive into the world of AI, this course is for you. You're not just learning SEO; you're learning to be an innovator in digital marketing.

Remember, I'm here to guide you, but your success depends on your creativity and effort.

Let's make SEO fun and effective together. As a free bonus, this course includes 50 free ChatGPT SEO prompts to help you rank and inspire you too. See you in the course!


Welcome to this course on Custom GPTs - and how to build your own FREE AI SEO Tools with ChatGPT.

In this free course, you're not just going to learn; you're going to transform the way you approach SEO.

First off, we'll explore how AI can revolutionize SEO.

I'll guide you through the steps to build your very own AI SEO tool.

Yes, you heard that right. No coding, no hassle.

We'll dive into practical strategies to use this tool for maximizing your SEO impact. I'll share real-life examples and case studies that show these strategies in action. Now, here's a crucial part: Disclaimer: Remember, AI in SEO is a new frontier.

It's exciting, but it comes with risks. This course is about experimenting and learning. We're not claiming miracles here.

We're exploring potential and having some fun along the way. So, if you're ready to step up your SEO game and dive into the world of AI, this course is for you. You're not just learning SEO; you're learning to be an innovator in digital marketing.

Remember, I'm here to guide you, but your success depends on your creativity and effort.

Let's make SEO fun and effective together. As a free bonus, this course includes 50 free ChatGPT SEO prompts to help you rank and inspire you too. See you in the course!


You're here because you want to build an email list, right?

It's great to have you here! Email Marketing is crucial for any business success

You might have just started a website, and need to build an email list from scratch. Or maybe you already have a website with a list, but want to grow your list faster. Over the past decade, I’ve discovered just how POWERFUL a targeted email list can be. As my email list grew, so did my income! In this course I’m going to share my exact strategy with you!

I’m going to put you on the path of selling your products and services on a consistent basis, by giving you the MOST mission-critical ingredient. You can create highly effective email and digital campaigns that are automated—saving you time and effort— AND that convert to sales. You'll start with the basics and learn how list-building works. You'll learn the different types of email marketing services. By the end of the first section, you'll be signed up for an amazing free email marketing service

You'll learn what a lead magnet is, and how to create a perfectly irresistible lead magnet. Go ahead and enroll, and I'll see you in lesson 1!


You're here because you want to build an email list, right?

It's great to have you here! Email Marketing is crucial for any business success

You might have just started a website, and need to build an email list from scratch. Or maybe you already have a website with a list, but want to grow your list faster. Over the past decade, I’ve discovered just how POWERFUL a targeted email list can be. As my email list grew, so did my income! In this course I’m going to share my exact strategy with you!

I’m going to put you on the path of selling your products and services on a consistent basis, by giving you the MOST mission-critical ingredient. You can create highly effective email and digital campaigns that are automated—saving you time and effort— AND that convert to sales. You'll start with the basics and learn how list-building works. You'll learn the different types of email marketing services. By the end of the first section, you'll be signed up for an amazing free email marketing service

You'll learn what a lead magnet is, and how to create a perfectly irresistible lead magnet. Go ahead and enroll, and I'll see you in lesson 1!

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  1. 亚马逊跨境电商概述:学员将了解亚马逊跨境电商的基本情况和市场机遇。课程将介绍亚马逊平台的特点、全球市场趋势以及跨境电商的发展前景。

  2. 全渠道站外引流策略:学员将学习全渠道站外引流的关键策略和方法。课程将涵盖搜索引擎优化(SEO)、社交媒体营销、内容营销等多个方面,帮助学员扩大品牌影响力和吸引潜在客户。

  3. AI技术在亚马逊跨境电商中的应用:学员将了解AI技术在亚马逊跨境电商中的应用场景和优势。课程将介绍自动化工具、数据分析和个性化推荐等AI技术,帮助学员优化销售流程、提升用户体验和增加销售量。

  4. 市场推广和销售技巧:学员将学习有效的市场推广和销售技巧。课程将涵盖产品定位、竞争分析、广告投放和客户关系管理等方面,帮助学员制定营销策略和提升销售效果。

  5. 数据分析与优化:学员将了解数据分析在亚马逊跨境电商中的重要性和应用方法。课程将介绍关键指标的监测与分析,帮助学员优化产品列表、广告投放和销售策略。

  6. 用户体验和品牌建设:学员将学习提升用户体验和建设品牌的关键方法。课程将涵盖产品页面设计、客户评价管理和品牌形象塑造等方面,帮助学员提升品牌认知度和用户满意度。


  1. 亚马逊卖家:已经在亚马逊平台上开设店铺并有一定销售经验的卖家,希望进一步提升销量和业务增长。

  2. 跨境电商从业者:从事跨境电商相关工作的专业人士,希望了解亚马逊跨境电商的最新趋势和市场策略。

  3. 创业者和创业团队:计划进入亚马逊跨境电商领域或者已经创办了相关创业项目的人员,希望获取相关知识和技能。

  4. 销售和市场营销人员:从事产品销售和市场推广工作的人员,希望了解亚马逊跨境电商的市场推广策略和销售技巧。


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  1. 亚马逊跨境电商概述:学员将了解亚马逊跨境电商的基本情况和市场机遇。课程将介绍亚马逊平台的特点、全球市场趋势以及跨境电商的发展前景。

  2. 全渠道站外引流策略:学员将学习全渠道站外引流的关键策略和方法。课程将涵盖搜索引擎优化(SEO)、社交媒体营销、内容营销等多个方面,帮助学员扩大品牌影响力和吸引潜在客户。

  3. AI技术在亚马逊跨境电商中的应用:学员将了解AI技术在亚马逊跨境电商中的应用场景和优势。课程将介绍自动化工具、数据分析和个性化推荐等AI技术,帮助学员优化销售流程、提升用户体验和增加销售量。

  4. 市场推广和销售技巧:学员将学习有效的市场推广和销售技巧。课程将涵盖产品定位、竞争分析、广告投放和客户关系管理等方面,帮助学员制定营销策略和提升销售效果。

  5. 数据分析与优化:学员将了解数据分析在亚马逊跨境电商中的重要性和应用方法。课程将介绍关键指标的监测与分析,帮助学员优化产品列表、广告投放和销售策略。

  6. 用户体验和品牌建设:学员将学习提升用户体验和建设品牌的关键方法。课程将涵盖产品页面设计、客户评价管理和品牌形象塑造等方面,帮助学员提升品牌认知度和用户满意度。


  1. 亚马逊卖家:已经在亚马逊平台上开设店铺并有一定销售经验的卖家,希望进一步提升销量和业务增长。

  2. 跨境电商从业者:从事跨境电商相关工作的专业人士,希望了解亚马逊跨境电商的最新趋势和市场策略。

  3. 创业者和创业团队:计划进入亚马逊跨境电商领域或者已经创办了相关创业项目的人员,希望获取相关知识和技能。

  4. 销售和市场营销人员:从事产品销售和市场推广工作的人员,希望了解亚马逊跨境电商的市场推广策略和销售技巧。
