AI-Assisted Writing: Your Tool for Super-Human Success!

Course Provided by:Ben Wann
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Welcome to "AI-Assisted Writing - Your Tool for SuperHuman Success"! In this innovative and exciting course, we'll introduce you to the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in writing. This course is designed for writers, content creators, marketers, and anyone interested in harnessing the power of AI to elevate their writing skills and achieve outstanding results.

Throughout this comprehensive course, you'll learn the fundamentals of AI, discover various AI-powered writing tools, and understand how to use these resources effectively to create high-quality, engaging content. From blog posts and articles to social media captions and marketing copy, our step-by-step guide will help you master AI-assisted writing for a wide range of purposes.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Understand AI's core principles and their application to writing and content creation.

  2. Discover the leading AI-powered writing tools and platforms, and learn how to choose the right one for your needs.

  3. Develop best practices for using AI-assisted writing tools to create engaging, well-structured, and grammatically correct content.

  4. Enhance your writing productivity and efficiency by leveraging AI technology to generate ideas, outline content, and edit drafts.

  5. Apply AI-assisted writing techniques to various content formats, such as blog posts, articles, social media posts, and marketing copy.

  6. Learn how to maintain your unique voice and style while using AI tools, ensuring your content remains authentic and engaging.


An AI-assisted, human-first writing process combines the strengths of both human creativity and AI-powered language generation to produce high-quality written content. Some of the best uses of this collaborative approach include:

  1. Idea generation: AI can provide a wealth of ideas, prompts, or outlines to help spark creativity, enabling writers to choose or build upon the most suitable concepts.

  2. Drafting and editing: AI can create initial drafts or help refine existing content, offering suggestions for sentence structure, grammar, and style. The human writer can then review, modify, and polish the final output.

  3. Writer's block: AI assistance can help overcome writer's block by suggesting phrases, sentences, or even entire paragraphs, keeping the creative process moving forward.

  4. Research and fact-checking: AI can quickly gather information and facts relevant to a topic, saving time and effort for the writer. However, human oversight is still needed to ensure accuracy and reliability.

  5. Language translation: AI can provide accurate and efficient translations, enabling writers to create content for multilingual audiences. Human expertise can then be used to refine the translations and ensure cultural nuances are preserved.

  6. Personalization: AI can help tailor content for specific audiences, industries, or interests, optimizing engagement and effectiveness.

  7. SEO optimization: AI can identify relevant keywords and phrases and suggest content structures that can improve search engine ranking, making the content more discoverable.

  8. Consistency and branding: AI can analyze existing content and help maintain a consistent tone, style, and voice in line with a brand or publication's guidelines.

  9. Accessibility: AI can help create alternative content formats, such as audio or simplified language versions, to reach a wider audience and cater to different accessibility needs.

  10. Analytics and feedback: AI can analyze content performance and reader engagement, providing insights and recommendations for improvements in future writing endeavors.


Learn How to Add value to the AI writing process by mastering the strategies:

Conduct thorough research: Before using AI to generate content in an unfamiliar subject area, research the topic to gain a basic understanding. This will help you evaluate the accuracy and relevance of AI-generated content more effectively.

Collaborate with subject matter experts: Work with experts in the field to review and refine AI-generated content, ensuring its accuracy, depth, and relevance.

Use AI as a starting point: Treat AI-generated content as a starting point or a draft rather than a final product. Build upon the generated content using your own research, insights, and critical thinking to create a more comprehensive and informative piece.

Continuously learn and improve: Develop your subject matter expertise over time by engaging in continuous learning, attending workshops, reading books and articles, and participating in relevant industry events.

In conclusion, while AI can be a valuable writing tool, it cannot replace subject matter expertise. Combining AI-generated content with your own research, critical thinking, and expert insights is essential to create high-quality content.

Why should you write?

Writing can be a powerful tool for self-expression and personal growth. It allows you to organize and clarify your thoughts, giving structure to your ideas, revelations, and epiphanies. Writing is also excellent for problem-solving; it helps us process complex topics we are otherwise uncertain or confused about.

If you publish your writing, you can connect with readers worldwide and build relationships that would not have been feasible. In short, no matter your goals or intentions with writing, it can influence your daily life in many ways.

Why should you use AI?

With technological and artificial intelligence (AI) advancements, we now have access to incredible tools that revolutionize how humans interact with the world. AI brings many advantages, including improved accuracy and efficiency in tasks that would be tedious and time-consuming if done manually.

It can also provide real-time insights into data sets and quickly identify patterns and anomalies. Moreover, AI eliminates human error from a task, allowing for increased reliability and more accurate results. Incorporating AI into an organization's operations has become increasingly necessary for staying competitive in today's economy, as it offers ways for businesses to optimize their processes cost-effectively.

Where does the value come from in AI-assisted writing?

1. Curating the structure

2. Ensuring your article is comprehensive to answer questions and provide information fully

3. Linking to other related comprehensive articles

Essentially, AI helps you avoid "reinventing the wheel" whenever you want to write an article. If you write an article about product costs, you must have a few introductory explainer paragraphs. This is where AI is ideal for assisting. Then, you have more time and energy to focus on the insights and add expert-level thoughts to the content. Previously, writers spent too much time on non-value-added portions of the writing process.


Included in this course:

  1. Our proven Content Checklist (downloadable)

  2. Our Content Style Guide (to help you craft your own)

  3. Links to the resources and tools you need to get started right away.

Who would benefit from learning how to master AI-assisted writing?

  1. Professional writers: Journalists, copywriters, content creators, technical writers, and authors can use AI-assisted writing tools to generate ideas, improve the quality of their work, and increase output.

  2. Students and researchers: AI can assist in drafting essays, research papers, and thesis documents, providing insights and references while helping to maintain proper citation and formatting.

  3. Bloggers and social media influencers: AI tools can help generate engaging content, optimize it for SEO, and ensure consistency across various platforms.

  4. Marketing and communication professionals: AI can aid in creating targeted content, ad copy, press releases, and other promotional materials, as well as analyzing the performance of such content.

  5. Business professionals: AI can help draft emails, reports, proposals, and other professional documents, ensuring clarity, conciseness, and proper grammar.

  6. Educators: Teachers and professors can use AI tools to create lesson plans, teaching materials, and assessments, as well as provide personalized feedback on student work.

  7. Non-native English speakers: AI-assisted writing can help users improve their English writing skills by providing real-time grammar, syntax, and vocabulary suggestions.

  8. Editors and proofreaders: AI can act as an initial proofreading and editing tool, identifying errors and inconsistencies before a human editor makes the final revisions.

  9. Screenwriters and playwrights: AI can generate plot ideas, character descriptions, and dialogues, helping to streamline the creative process.

  10. Individuals with disabilities: AI-assisted writing tools can empower those with physical or cognitive disabilities to create and communicate effectively through writing


internet access and a gmail account

Course Includes

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Assignments
  • 10 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. Great Stuff. Thank you.
  2. A great course with lots of tricks and tips to include expert insights into AI-generated content.
  3. The course was super informative and made me analyze things about AI writing that I had never considered before. Ben is clearly passionate about AI technology and the writing work that he does. I'm looking forward to using what I learned from this course in my work.
  4. Great course and loved the real-life walk-throughs/tool examples. Highly recommend!