Advanced Stock trading course-Live trading strategies

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What will your learn in this course? The main goal of this course is to help you understand the live markets. I do this by showing you the strategy I use to trade live, And then show how to trade it with live money! I don't lecture you on what you "could do" in the markets, I explain my strategy, and then show you how I trade live and what that looks like! too many instructors never show you how to trade in the live markets. My goal is to help clear up the confusion that comes with day trading! This course is a more Advanced course that still covers basics to refresh your trading memory! I recommend having prior trading knowledge before taking this course. Section 1: What is the breakout strategy? I start the course off explaining exactly what strategy I use Breakout strategy on chart : This helps you understand how you can use a trading platform to find this strategy on your own charts at home Placing orders : The biggest struggle I see a lot of traders have is understanding the basics of how to place a stock order. I show exactly how to do this in that Lecture! Breakout strategy live on (PPSI) : What good is teaching a strategy if you can't use it in a live market? See live my thought process when placing trades live! Breaking down Trade on (PPSI) : In this section I go in and slow down the trade I just took to help you understand what I was looking at! Section 2: What is the criteria? This shows you what we look for before ever placing a trade Finding the Criteria: I show you live how to look for stocks that fit our criteria in the Pre-Market! Criteria Trade live: (VVPR ): Showing live trade on this stock VVPR Breaking Down the Criteria trade: Showing you again in slower motion what I was looking for in this stock Section 3: 5 Laws of managing risk: How do I manage risk when placing all of these orders? I will show you what I do to manage my own risk in trading Cutting losses live on ticker symbol (LIVI) : show you how I get out of a trade that isn't working out for me Breaking down the managing risk trade : Showing you again in slow motion how I manage my risk Section 4: What is Volume,Level 2, And time and sales? see what these key trading tools advantages hold in trading How do we use these 3 tools? Showing you what it looks like to add all of these together to place live trades Live trading using Trifecta on stock MDLY : Putting all 3 of these together what does it look like to use them in a live trade? Breaking down Trifecta trade : slowing down the live trade I took to help you understand what I was looking at! Section 5: Live trade on stock AGE: putting everything together from what we learned from the course to show you all live trading in this final Section! Breaking down stock AGE : slowing down the live trade we just took to help you understand what I saw Final words: Gibing my final thoughts on this course! Free chatroom access: watch me trade live every morning and see what my morning watchlist looks like!


Requirements Understanding of day trading Taken previous Beginner day trading course Understand market lingo

Course Includes