Beginners: Introduction to AI and how to learn ChatGPT etc

Course Provided by:wenbin cao
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Facing the emerging concept of AI, many people are left feeling lost, unsure of where to start.

Some courses focus on explaining a specific AI application, while others delve into the principles of AI algorithms and technologies.

However, both types of courses aren't particularly beginner-friendly. For the former, beginners are unsure how to choose an AI application; for the latter, it doesn't address the initial issues beginners face.

So, for those who are still unfamiliar with AI, understanding what AI is, learning how to select the right tool among the myriad of AI applications, quickly grasping the power of AI, and immediately applying it to solve problems in their work and life, enhancing efficiency, are more pressing matters.

This course uses plain and straightforward language to introduce you to the basic concepts of AI, AGI, and AIGC. It will help you understand how to select AI applications and equip you with hands-on skills in AI assistance, AI work support, AI creativity, AI painting, AI writing, etc., ushering you into the AI era.

The specific contents include:

- What are AI, AGI, and AIGC?

- How to select common AI applications?

- How to use ChatGPT as a work assistant?

- How to compose emails and plan events with ChatGPT?

- How to generate images using Midjourney?

- How to edit and enhance images generated by Midjourney?

- How to utilize Notion for writing assistance?

- How to enhance writing efficiency and optimize quality using Notion AI?

It is hoped that through this course, you'll grasp the concepts of AI, establish a preliminary understanding of current AI applications, and be able to leverage tools like ChatGPT, Midjourney, and Notion to boost your work efficiency.

The future you will undoubtedly thank today's decisions. Let's step into the AI era together!








  • 什么是AI、AGI、AIGC?

  • 如何选择常见的AI应用?

  • 如何使用ChatGPT作为工作助理?

  • 如何用ChatGPT撰写电子邮件与策划活动?

  • 如何使用Midjourney生成图像?

  • 如何用Midjourney对生成的图像进行编辑与增强?

  • 如何使用Notion辅助写作?

  • 如何用Notion AI提升写作效率优化质量?




Basic computer and Internet skills

Course Includes

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion