Divergent Thinking in AI-age

Course Provided by:Apexity by Apex Hatchers
Course Taken on: Udemy
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This course is designed to unleash creativity through a series of engaging modules, each carefully crafted to expand creative boundaries and foster innovative thinking.

In Module 1, participants delve into the Foundations of Divergence, where they will gain a solid understanding of the core principles. By exploring the concept of divergent thinking and discerning its characteristics, learners will embark on a journey to uncover the cognitive mechanisms that underlie this unique form of creativity. They will also grasp the distinction between diverging and converging thought processes, equipping them to navigate through different modes of ideation and thinking.

In Module 2, learners are guided through the uncharted territory of unconventional fields. By identifying niche opportunities, exploring lesser-known industries, and drawing inspiration from experts in these specialised domains, participants will discover how to harness the potential of these hidden gems for innovative ideas. Through showcasing exemplary concepts that emerged from such niches, learners gain invaluable insights into the power of thinking beyond the mainstream.

Module 3, challenges learners to step out of their comfort zones and embrace discomfort as a catalyst for creativity. By understanding how uncertainty and failure can drive innovative breakthroughs, participants cultivate resilience and develop the ability to push boundaries. They learn to question assumptions, reimagine solutions, and engage in creative problem-solving using techniques such as Design Thinking and Lateral Thinking.

In the final module, learners master the art of merging and generating diverse ideas. They explore the synthesis of concepts from seemingly unrelated disciplines, emphasising the value of transdisciplinary thinking. By encouraging self-discovery, nurturing originality, and fostering creative confidence, participants are empowered to express their individuality and contribute authentically to the creative landscape.


No specific prerequisites or prior knowledge needed. Suitable for individuals with a genuine curiosity to enhance their creative thinking abilities. The course accommodates learners at any level of experience.

Course Includes

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion