Fun with Hand Lettering

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Course Taken on: coursary
starstarstarstarstar_half 4.6


This “fun with hand-lettering” class is meant to be just that … FUN! Set your keyboards and tactile surfaces aside for a while. Grab a pencil, some markers, your watercolour palette, maybe some pencil crayons, too — whatever you find on your shelves — and come along with me to discover 12 styles of hand-lettering. One letter style will have you “in stitches”, other will allow you to “rough it up”. Maybe you’ll like to walk in the steps of a Scottish architect; perhaps you’ll prefer to ride “the waves”. Intrigued? Then come join the class to discover the twelve letter styles, presented through twelve positive and optimistic phrases in the form of simple projects. NB This class is not focused on precision and technique … the goal is to have fun writing and drawing letters.


Requirements None, aside from loving to hand-letter

Course Includes