How To Create Compelling Presentations

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One thing no one loves is a boring presentation.  And the only thing we hate more than listening to something boring is to give a presentation that's less than sparkling.  When we are on stage we want to shine and we can only do that if the audience is not only awake but intrigued by how we present. Announcing "Compelling presentations: Three steps to creating engaging speeches, presentations and webinars" In this course you will discover: The three most effective ways to start a speech (one of which takes only minutes to prepare) How to use five sentences to get your audience so invested in your presentation they will ignore all other distractions Four ways to add drama to even the most boring of topics How to outline your speech (using the power of your inner five-year-old) How to segue into an offer so it feels both natural and necessary to your audience The seven steps to making an offer live from the stage (or in a webinar online) that your audience can't resist The sparks that keep them hooked One challenge as a speaker is how to keep the audience’s attention. You give one topic, then another and another. Yet the audience can get a bit tired of all the information coming at them. But a little drama perks them right back up again. How do you create these little sparks to keep them hooked? My course shows you three very easy ways to create drama over and over again and in just the right spots so your audience awaits what you say on bated breath. When you enroll in this course, you’ll also be able to ask me questions through the Q&A feature on Udemy and I respond right away. Here’s what a few students have said about me as a teacher and presenter: Rodney is a wonderful teacher! He has tons of patience and answers each question. His attitude helps us learn since even where there is room for improvement, everything is done with a very kind and respectful attitude. Also, the material is very structured and organized, so this also helps the learning. -Anabel Eisenhock, Israel Rodney has everything it takes to make your experience a great one. He is extremely patient and easy going and allows everyone to connect to their own style. He is also very respectful to the students, is sincerely interested in their work and loves to co-create with them. He is also very timely when answering the questions we post. He knows his work really well and is very clear. Thanks, Rodney, for being the inspirational teacher that you are! -Devory, New York You’re the best. Your attitude is lovely. I like how open you are and that you are smooth in your manner of teaching. You are not rigid. You’re are focused on practicality and adjustment of techniques we have. -Andrei Rogojinaro, Romania A lot of courses and books promise to make my presentations interesting, how is yours any different? I break everything down into a three-part system with tiny steps. It’s as close to paint-by-numbers as you can get. Almost everyone else merely gives examples of what to do without a clear process for how you can do it. I will show you what good looks like and guide you into creating it with nothing left to chance. And if anything is not clear, you can post questions in the Q&A and I will respond quickly. I will even take your questions and use them to add new lessons in the course so future students will benefit as well. Click on the Buy Now button so you can get this course today If you have any doubts, Udemy provides a 30-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee. So click Buy Now and I look forward to hearing about the great presentations, webinars and speeches you create with my system.


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