Midjourney AI Art: Ultimate Beginner to Expert Guide

Course Provided by:Iurii Efremov
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Dive into the AI Art Pool: "Midjourney AI Art: Ultimate Beginner to Expert Guide" is your ticket to becoming an AI art maestro, whether you're a seasoned creative professional or a curious doodler armed with a vivid imagination and a yearning for exploration.

This course isn't just a buffet of AI knowledge; it's a full-on, Michelin-star culinary journey of AI Art. We'll start you off with the appetizing basics — understanding AI, demystifying algorithms, and how they can be your secret sauce in real-world creative challenges.

But we don't stop at the basics! Like a well-layered lasagna, we delve into deeper, more complex layers of AI Art. As we cruise through our curriculum, you'll dip your toes (or rather, your cursor) into more advanced techniques, turning you into a bona fide AI Picasso, da Vinci, or Kahlo.

Through a mix of hands-on projects and expert-guided tutorials, you'll be able to whip up stunning AI Art pieces from scratch—like a master chef, but with algorithms instead of ingredients. You'll be creating showstopping, unique pieces of art that'll have people gasping, "Wait, you made that with AI?"

Along with the course, you'll receive the "Mastering Midjourney with 100+ Practical and Inspiring Prompts" guide. It's your creative compass, filled with inspirational ideas to kickstart your AI art journey. Stuck or eager to push boundaries? This guide will be your trusted ally, lighting up the path to uncharted artistic territories.

By the time you're through with us, you'll not only have a solid understanding of AI Art but also the prowess to wield AI tools to craft your own unique, eye-catching artwork. Are you ready to channel your inner artistry, disrupt your creative norm, and craft masterpieces with AI? Then strap on your seatbelt, and let's embark on this Midjourney AI art course today! Prepare for lift-off in 3...2...1...


There are no strict requirements or prerequisites for taking this course. However, a basic understanding of digital art creation and image editing software would be helpful. Additionally, learners should have a reliable internet connection, a computer or mobile device.

Course Includes

  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. He goes through the content a bit fast. I am not a native English speaker and have to repeat some steps to be able to follow. Great content so far.
  2. Really enjoyed this course. It broke down AI art into digestible parts and the prompts guide is a fantastic resource.
  3. One suggestion though - maybe add some more image examples? The ones provided were great, but having more visuals really helps to solidify understanding. Overall, an excellent course.