New Science of Cities | 新城市科学

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随着第四次工业革命的到来,一系列新兴技术如大数据、人工智能、云计算、物联网、增强现实等,为研究城市提供了新的机会,拓展了其研究广度和深度。此外,这些颠覆性技术也对城市空间和日常生活产生了巨大影响,使城市研究客体自身发生了实质性改变。以此为背景,新城市科学应运而生,也让传统的城市科学焕发了新的生机。 本课程邀请了北京航空航天大学王静远教授、清华大学政治学系孟天广教授、城市象限 CEO 茅明睿、极海 GeoHey 平台总监崔福东、华为王鹏教授级工程师、美团研究院研究员厉基巍博士和中国社会科学院周瑜女士参与录制,旨在从学术业界多领域和多学科为大家扩展新城市科学的知识视野和前沿动态。 With the advent of the Fourth industrial revolution, a series of emerging technologies, such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IOT), augmented reality (AR), provide new opportunities for studying cities and expanding their research breadth and depth. In addition, these disruptive technologies cast profound impacts on urban space and social life, and substantially change the research object of urban research. Under such background, the New City Science rises in response to the proper time and condition, and would revitalize the traditional urban sciences. Many guest lecturers are invited to record this course, such as Prof. Wang Jingyuan from Beihang University, Prof. Meng Tianguang from Tsinghua University, Mao Mingrui, CEO of Urban Quadrant (URBAN XYZ), Cui Fudong, Director of GeoHey, Prof. Wang Peng from Huawei and so on. It aims to expand the knowledge horizon and frontier dynamics for everyone from multiple fields and multiple disciplines.


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