The Design and Analysis of Algorithm Masterclass [ 2019 ]

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Algorithm used in everywhere. People Don't know how Complex Algorithm they are executing when doing there day to day task like: Riding a Bi-Cycle, Travelling from one place to another even Watering Garden. If you are Coder then the Knowledge of algorithm is Very much important for you. The knowledge of Algorithm teach you How to Think to solve a Problem? Algorithm is the concepts which differentiate one average software engineer and one better software engineer. In our daily life in the industry we used different kinds of algorithm to make the system faster, better and efficient. But the problem is 90% of the freshers and graduates don’t have the basic knowledge of algorithm. That is the reason we make this Design and Analysis of algorithm Masterclass. What you are Going to Learn? Asymptotic Notations, Recursion, Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Dijkstra's, Bellman Ford, Floyd Warshall Algorithm, Kruskal's Algorithm, Knapsack Problem, String Matching with Finite Automaton, Heap sort, Huffman Codes, n-Queens Algorithm, Rat in Maze, 0/1 Knapsack Problem, 15 Puzzle Problem, NP Completeness, Approximation Algorithms


Requirements Idea of Programming (Good To Have - NOT Mandatory) Some Basic Mathematics (Good To Have - NOT Mandatory) Basic Concepts of Data Structures (Good To Have - NOT Mandatory) Little Familiarity with Graph Theory (Good To Have - NOT Mandatory)

Course Includes