The Essential Guide to Claude 2 - The ChatGPT Alternative

Course Provided by:Dietmar Fischer
Course Taken on: Udemy
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2023 will be the year of Artificial Intelligence! Are you ready get in the driver's seat and use the advantages of AI for your marketing and business?

You are? Then you have come to the right place, the Claude 2 webinar. Better than ChatGPT in many ways, Claude 2 from Anthropic can help you:

  • Write Social Media Posts and

  • Blog Articles

  • SEO-optimize Content

  • Do Market Research for You

  • Create your Emails

  • Get Data out of Tables and PDFs

  • And much, much more!

You already used ChatGPT or Claude and those tools didn't convince you? Then I have the solution for you: in this class you will learn how to use a GPT like Claude 2 the right way. Because a GPT follows a simple rule:


And if you have bad prompts, you will have bad outputs.

Why Claude 2 and not ChatGPT?

  1. Claude is up-to-date, ChatGPTs data ends in 2021

  2. Claude can work with approximately 75,000 words, ChatGPT with ~6,000 words.

  3. Claude is ethical, ChatGPT is exploiting people in Kenia.

In addition to the class, you also get:

  • all slides as downloadable PDFs,

  • all the videos as downloads,

  • a direct channel to the teacher: I will answer all your emails!

Why me as your teacher?

I work intensively with Claude 2 in our online marketing agency and am also involved in a funded university project in Munich where we use AI to improve a analysis software.

Sign up now and don't miss out on this brilliant technology!
I look forward to meeting you in class!



  • September: Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Harry-Potter-Game, Recipes, Law & Claude.


No experience with AI or programming knowledge is needed, but an eagerness to learn and explore new technologies is a plus!

Course Includes

  • 1hr 59min
  • of on-demand video