Traditional Reiki; Usui Shiki Ryoho, level 1 Shoden.

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Course Taken on: coursary
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Hello my dear friend and welcome,  Thank you for stopping, pausing and taking your time to listen to me.  Your time is precious and I am honoured you are sharing yours with me.  I'm Deborah Casey your Reiki master teacher and course instructor.  I am here to be of service and aid you in learning Reiki. This course is your first step to empowerment through Reiki teachings and attunement.  Reiki is simple, easy and offers a way to self-healing and healing others through natural and none invasive methods through healing energy. When you receive Reiki teachings and attunements this powerful Universal Energy will be with you not matter where you go, what you do it will guide and enable you . When you have completed this course, taken time to adjust to the new energies of Reiki you can progress on to become a Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner; this is a course that empowers and enables you to progress onto practitioner level and thereafter Reiki Master Teacher level. Traditional Usui Reiki level 1 Diploma course (this course is a requirement to level 2 and 3 Reiki Reiki level 1 is often referred to as first degree, Shoden, and is the foundation level to higher Degrees of Reiki; this must be completed before advancing to level 2 and then Reiki level 3.  It is very important to take time to adjust to the new energies and practices within each level of Reiki taken between each level of Reiki. level 1 Reiki is founded upon the attunements which open you up to Reiki and once this pathway is established you are able to channel Reiki for the rest of your life. Maybe you have you experienced Reiki through treatment from a practitioner and it has led you here.  Maybe you have accessed my introductory Reiki course and want to progress on.  Maybe you have been called to Reiki as an impulse from your heart... then I am pleased to be here and of service in you personal growth and development. Life is full of up's and downs, bumps in the road, upheavals and changes.  But there is one thing that always remains the same and that is Reiki.  Reiki is a wonderful healing and spiritual practice that can support you as you navigate your way through life.  And when things become tremendously difficult you can place your hands in Gassho and recite the Reiki principles, apply healing and know that all is well. But know that Reiki is a holistic therapy and spiritual practice that treats brain, body, being balanced. My personal experience of Reiki in a nutshell: My experience began back in 1999 I escaped a dreadful life experience, this left me experiencing trauma and all the effects that go hand in hand with trauma.  One day a friend invited me to join her at a pamper day at a local community setting.  There I experienced Reiki; I was very fortunate as the lady was packing up and didn't really have time.  But she stopped and she gifted me her last 20 minutes that should have been used to pack up and clear away.  I never experienced anything like it before.  20 minutes seemed like hours and I felt the deepest comfort and calm. As I "returned" from what can only be described as the Presence of Divinity, I felt my life had changed.  Thereafter life did change.  There were many bumps and issues but Reiki seemed to be present at every turn... as if beckoning to me the way of peace.  I followed the way and life just kept improving and getting better and better as experiences of Chi Kung and healings with more practitioners came to me. Over the course of time I enrolled onto my holistic therapy training and it was one day  when I was in college and a fellow student talked to me about her Reiki Master teacher friend.  her friend was visiting some months later and was going to attune my fellow student to Reiki and she asked if I would want to have this also.  I was sceptical, yet I had no reason for Reiki had been present and I had experienced Reiki.  But I went along and life changed again. I had not experienced Reiki attunements and this was something very different.  Not only was I in the "Presence of Divinity" I was elevated to a place and space that felt limitless, timeless and as if I had come home.  I was at one with what is known as source, God, Divinity.  I digressed my path and it took me to "Plato's cave" and the darkest nights of the soul... From this I emerged and here I am today, grateful of my many lessons, and teachers and the gifts each have bestowed. Moving on with your Reiki course... Reiki can safely be used in combination with orthodox medical care and other complementary therapies. Reiki combines well with many alternative therapies, including Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Counselling and will increase their effectiveness and decrease the time required to see positive change. Sometimes people find that with regular Reiki treatments their dependence on medication may be reduced. For example someone on Thyroxine may find that the thyroid gland is kick started by the Reiki, therefore for a time they could have symptoms of excess thyroid production until the medication is adjusted appropriately. It is therefore recommended to advise people on thyroid or diabetic medication of this possibility so they can be prepared to contact their GP if necessary. It may even be appropriate to let their doctor know beforehand that they are receiving Reiki if they are on Thyroxine or diabetic medication Who is this course for? This course is for anyone who is interested in self-healing, healing loved ones and friends, through the application of natural methods that are friendly and healing to Mother Earth.  This course is for students who have limited finances, time and who prefer to study and learn in the comfort of their own home, at a time and pace that suits themselves.  This course is for those who may feel sceptical but who have an open mind and heart and wish to develop and grow their inner being and share this with the world. How this course is delivered Level one Reiki course is a foundation course and teaching is through a variety of means: Power point presentation Full pdf manual Demonstration videos Meditations Energetic Reiki attunement transmitted through multi-media (other methods are available please enquire) The course is online study, with student support with life time access to the training guides. A Udemy certificate of completion is accessible at the completion of your course, a traditional Usui certificate is available upon request and a small fee is required. What Will You Learn? This is a comprehensive, foundation course of study.  Students learn: The healer; what is healing, the responsibility of the healer, Reiki healing, healing and curing, Spiritual healing and spirituality What is Reiki How Reiki works The History of Reiki The founder of Reiki and Reiki masters active in development and spread of Reiki The human energy system; including mudra, mantras, yoga poses, foods that power up the centres The effects, uses and contra-indications to Reiki. Ways of using Reiki energy; what Reiki can be used for. The Reiki Principles – a simple and easy method to reduce stress and tension. The effects of attunement and cleansing period. Self-healing practice. Sharing Reiki - healing others including your pets. Keeping you energy’s clear. The Usui healing hand positions Students also learn about the newly formed Professional membership group - the British Reiki Organisation which is open to all Reiki practitioners. Course Certification Students will receive a Udemy course certificate of completion., there is also an opportunity to obtain a certificate of completion from ourselves. Practical sessions include: How to sense your energy. How to cleanse your energy. How to sense the flow of energy. How to know when to move on. Posture and practice; Reiki energy practices and healing practices assessment - complete a final exam By the time you have completed this course you will: have a good understanding of Reiki and practices be able to apply Reiki healing, at level one, to yourself, family and friends. You will have been attuned to level one Reiki and you will be able to progress onto level 2, Reiki professional practitioner course. Are you ready to begin learning Reiki and become attuned to level 1, Shoden?  Then enrol today and I look forward to meeting you on the other side - and remember you have support in the Q and A  platform. And remember if you’re not happy with what you learn then you have this one guarantee – a 30 day money back guarantee.


Requirements Students do not have to have any prior learning to take this course. But students who have previously learned Reiki and been attuned are welcome to join the class. Students will need to dedicate some time each day to practice the self healing aspects, mediation and Gokia of this course. Students recommended to keep a diary of their healing journey. Students will need basic computer skills and require PDF software

Course Includes