Write 2 Books With ChatGPT: Complete Self-Publishing Course

Course Provided by:Navin B
Course Taken on: Udemy
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Have you ever wanted to write a book but found it too hard to finish? Well, guess what? With ChatGPT, it's easier than ever to make your dream come true! You'll even get not one, but TWO complete books by the end of this course!

This is a course for everyone, whether you're a pro writer or just starting. No need to be a techie or a professional writer.

I'll guide you step-by-step through the entire process, breaking down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand instructions. By the end of this adventure, you'll have a captivating fiction book and an informative non-fiction book, both written with the help of ChatGPT.

But that's not all! We'll go beyond just using ChatGPT. You'll also learn the essential elements of fiction and non-fiction writing, giving you a well-rounded understanding of the craft. I'll show you how to format your eBook for self-publication and even guide you through generating the perfect AI-generated book cover, making your books look professional and eye-catching.

To make things even better, you'll get a special Writer's template eBook with helpful prompts. It's like having a secret tool for endless book ideas!

Are you excited yet? Join me now, and let's turn your writing dreams into reality with ChatGPT. You'll finish the course feeling confident and ready to share your stories with the world. Don't wait another moment; enroll today and let's get started! See you in class!


Eagerness to achieve the extraordinary feat of generating two complete books using the AI ChatGPT

Course Includes

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Assignments
  • 4 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Course Reviews

  1. YES! It is a perfect match for me. I previously took a high-dollar course, which was over 10K and took over a year to complete! I finished it and have written some books, but this information is priceless even without using ChatGPT. It is much more straightforward and explained and easy to understand and follow. The use of ChatGPT is just the cherry on top! I am so excited and grateful. I wish I had checked out Udemy first! Thank you!
  2. the best course i bought so far on udemy. Simple, direct, just the right length. With clear exposition and very interesting concepts that so many other courses overlook. Thanks to the teacher of this course.
  3. It is very vivid and lucidly generated course. I never thought book writing could be easy. I always wanted to write one however now this gives me a lot of inputs and insights. Thank you!
  4. Wonderful course, the instructor & the template was fantastic, guiding step-by-step through the whole process. Glad to have generated my first AI book. Thanks!