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You are here because you want to know more or create a YouTube channel. Maybe you are stuck at making your channel grow or is curious about how it actually works. This is without any doubt the perfect course for you to get a flying start on your youtube career. If you are looking for tips to , GET MORE VIEWS AND SUBSCRIBERS, and how to turn VIEWERS INTO SUBSCRIBERS you have come to the right place. What will you be able to do after taking this course? Start a channel from scratch with tools and know how! Get views without subscribers and how to make them subscribe to you Create videos on a budget Navigate the YouTube platform Search optimization of your content - make YouTube Discover your content Improve your channel by focusing on two analytical parameters It's very important for me to say: Regardless of what equipment, camera or anything else you use - you can become a youtuber. It's basically just to get started! This course is using the YouTube Channel 'Shuttle Life' as a case in many examples. In the end you will learn how i started my channel Shuttle Life and what specific i did to make it popular. But more important about how you can do EXACTLY THE SAME THING , it does not have to be that complicated! About the instructor Mads Selmer , started teaching badminton videos on YouTube in 2017. Beside YouTube he is passionate about learning, which is why he is teaching and coaching full-time beside YouTube. He is passionate about badminton, which he has played throughout his whole life..
    Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator the right tool for you and your business? Can you use Sales Navigator to generate leads remotely? Are you searching for the best remote practices for sales teams? -------------------- THE BEST TOOL FOR REMOTE B2B SALES TEAMS -------------------- If you are in B2B sales then chances are you can really benefit from using this impressive LinkedIn tool for business development and lead generation . Your company might be paying for your LinkedIn Sales Navigator subscription, but you might have not taken full advantage of its potential. Or maybe you are considering signing up to it or even purchasing the service for all your sales team, but you are not sure if it is worth it. Well, if that is the case, I can tell you this: LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a great tool for business development and lead generation, if you know how to use it well, otherwise you will just pay for a service and get some results or none at all. This is why we often hear people complaining about not getting any results with Sales Navigator. But then when I talk to them this is how a normal conversation goes: Me : “ Do you know how to really make the most of LinkedIn Sales Navigator? Were you using all of its features? ” They : “ I don’t know, I guess, I mean it is pretty straightforward, right? " Me : “ So you never took a course or learned from anyone that could teach you how to use it? ” They : “ Well, how difficult can it be? Why am I going to waste time and money on a course? ” Me : “ To avoid complaining about wasting time and money on Sales Navigator ” So, here is the thing, LinkedIn Sales Navigator is not rocket science, and sure after 4 or 5 months of paying almost $100 a month, and investing hours and hours on it and making mistakes in with real leads, you will probably get to a level where you can manage it well. Or you can take this course, and in less than 2 hours you will be able to make the most out of this amazing business development and lead generation tool . So, from the sales point of view, what makes more sense?: 2 hours of learning from a complete course on LinkedIn Sales Navigator or 5 months of trial and error to get to the same point? In fact, chances are that after 5 months the students of this course are far more advanced than those who didn’t enroll because we always update our LinkedIn courses with the latest tips. With this LinkedIn Sales Navigator course, you will discover, step by step, the ins, and outs of this very powerful platform. There is hardly any other platform out there that makes searching for the right buyers easier. If you are a salesperson or entrepreneur , no matter your age or experience, today’s market demands you have an online presence. And the more active and efficient that presence is, the more likely you’re to target the right buyers, reduce lead generation efforts and close more deals that will grow your businesses and profits. But how to best use the LinkedIn Sales Navigator? How can you make its features and algorithms yield the best possible results? How to generate leads that will meet your interest and gain you the sales you want at the end of the day? Those questions and others are easily answered. In less than two hours, this concise compilation will take you from the simple things to the more advanced Sales Navigator’s secrets. And believe me, it’s not hard at all. So yeah, coursing through and mastering the Sales Navigator features is a sure bet for the near and far future. Using LinkedIn Sales Navigator, you will be able to find virtually any company, from any industry, of any size, and location in the world. But first, you have to know how to search properly. Once you find those sweet sales prospects, organizing them is key so you can get back and start making contact with your possible clients; that’s when creating and managing account lists comes in, and with swift and clear examples rest assured, you’ll be piling up folders quick and effortlessly (your job then will be thinning them down and start contacting your targets). Want to prospect for leads efficiently? Got you. Want to reduce lead generation efforts and stop cold calling ? Got you. Want advanced search for leads and companies, recommendations based on your sales preferences? The LinkedIn Sales Navigator course will walk you through the options and filters so you can do all that. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a versatile tool to search for all kinds of business worldwide, and targeting your ideal buyers . With various filters available, used properly, you’ll gather info on the companies and understand key insights on them. When valuable information is made available to you, then it becomes easier to decide which to approach depending on their apparent growth and reputation . And the data gathered also gives you an idea on how to approach, so you can say goodbye to cold calling or failed emails and start actual relationships and business partnerships that result in successful business development . Finding all this could be overwhelming, but there’s no need to worry because you can apply tags and categorize all in lists that you can create and manage at your own liking, so everything is kept under your control. Broaden your scope, by accident or intention, and find ever more business prospects that the platform itself might recommend; exploration is key and fundamental here, and after just a few easy steps, you’ll be on your way. The whole goal is for you to quickly start exploiting all the advantages the LinkedIn Sales Navigator provides to the best of your capabilities. All the Whats and Hows you’re paying for, we got you covered. It’s as easy as enrolling, turning that playback rate to 1.5 and off you go! Remember, in the end, people buy and deal with those they like and trust, and here you can make actual connections that will guarantee mutual benefit and business development .
      Social media has become an indispensible means of keeping in touch with our family and friends, conducting professional networking and showcasing our talent. But incautious use of social media can also land us in hot water if we’re not careful – particularly with our employer. The growing use of social media has wide-ranging implications for the workplace. While it’s true that there are huge benefits to our highly connected society, its darker sides are also starting to be felt in areas such as data protection, freedom of speech, online defamation, time theft, cyber-bullying and the invasion of privacy- all of which pose significant risks for businesses and organisations. Did you know that: Worldwide, there are over 1.7 billion active Facebook users? 55% of workers confess to using social media sites for personal reasons while at work ? misuse of social media by workers is believed to cost Britain’s economy £14 billion every year in ‘lost time’? This learning resource from Skill Boosters examines the challenges and risks that social media and social networking tools pose for employers, looks at the law on virtual communication and provides guidance for employers on how to manage social media use in the workplace. Learning outcomes This course will give a better understanding of: common social media platforms and social networking tools how and why people use social media the key risks posed to employers and businesses by social media use and misuse the law and ethics relating to social media different ways of managing social media use in the workplace how to draw up and implement a workplace social media policy. The increasing use of social media has wide-ranging implications for today’s workplace. While there are huge benefits to our highly connected society, the use of social media can pose challenges for businesses and organisations in areas such as: reputation management online defamation time theft privacy and confidentiality recruitment data protection whistleblowing professional networking cyber-bullying
        Have you created an online course, but just aren't making enough to quit your day job and support yourself fully? Are you the type of author who has written a book, but never turned it into a video course? Or maybe you have a successful podcast and some coaching clients, but no courses, books, or audiobooks for them to continue learning from your style of teaching in your absence? Perhaps you have thought about launching one of these products or services, but just don't know where to start? If any of these describe you, then there's no question that you know the value of hard work, and are aware of the financial rewards that could result from your burning desire to help your audience. Otherwise, you wouldn't have started down this path in the first place! But let us ask you this: Are you really reaching the biggest audience possible? Are you truly experiencing the fullest measure of enjoyment and satisfaction from helping the people you care about the most? And are you really creating the levels of wealth, freedom, and financial independence you know you deserve? Let us tell you something that may shock you: Even though we may not know you personally, the answer to most of these questions is probably “no." But like the creators of this course - both bestselling authors, top-earning instructors, and renowned podcasters - you have the potential to achieve financial freedom and design your own independent lifestyle. And it can all start today, simply by understanding and using the same resources and techniques we've used to create our own six figure businesses. And it's not just about having no financial worries, traveling the world and essentially doing what we please at a moment's notice. It's about creating value for others, improving lives, and touching entire communities. When you do that, your income explodes, and you can help even more people in ways that give you even more free time. It's a perfect circle. If building a business like this interests you, then listen to each and every word we have to say, because this may be the most important message you ever hear: A short time ago, the ability to publish a book, or teach your own courses to tens of thousands of people, or produce your own radio show with worldwide syndication, and put those creations in front of the masses was unheard of. But there's a new industry growing like wildfire on the Internet. Today, you can take something like a book and multiply its impact by making it available in different forms on different media platforms to generate incredible - and passive - income streams for yourself. The "ground floor" opportunities to take part independently is enormous. And the projections for future growth are almost unbelievable. But here's the thing: Almost no one is multiplying their media across multiple platforms! Even some of the top-earning, New York Times Bestselling authors and thought leaders are leaving money on the table due to a lack of understanding and the misconception that all of this is “really quite difficult." It is not! That means that you as a content creator have an exciting opportunity. And in this course, we are searching for those of you who are ready to enjoy higher earnings, reach more people and most importantly, start Branding You™. We will teach you the highly sought after science behind the Branding You™ 5+ Pillar Ecosystem Strategy, a paradigm that allows you to simultaneously create and manage various forms of media, to drive traffic and create cross-pollination between all of your assets. We will teach you how to build your own ecosystem from the ground up, turning it into a self-managing powerhouse of impact, revenue, and growth. You'll learn: • How and why to set up your own blog and website • How and why to set up your own email list and social media • How and why to set up your own books, eBooks, and audiobooks • How and why to set up your own online courses • How and why to set up your podcast …and most importantly… • Exactly how to link all of these properties together to accelerate the growth, profits, and exposure of each individual product line You'll also become part of the Branding You™ community, a lively group of up-and-coming information entrepreneurs collaborating and supporting one another to generate tens of millions in revenues! Take it from us: all of this is within your reach, and given the proper instructions and guidance, you can achieve your own multimedia empire quickly and painlessly. Want to learn more? Join us on this incredible journey, the journey towards Branding You™. Scroll up and click to join this course now.
          In the summer of 2017, I finally decided I was done dreaming of becoming a Youtuber and I was ready to make it a reality, no matter what it took. Exactly one year later I turned in my notice at my regular job and began living my dream. Besides playing video games and making content about them, my other great passion is helping fellow YouTubers grow their channels. I can't count the amount of late-night conversations I have had with both established and aspiring YouTubers, discussing everything from titles and thumbnails, to what it takes to build a lasting career on this platform. My primary goal in this course is to give you all the tools to succeed on YouTube, hopefully in even less time than I did. More than anything, this course will give you a foundation for success as you work to grow your gaming channel into a sustainable, profitable business.
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            +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 300,000+ happy students from 195 countries. We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ This course is part of a 4-part series called Quantum Leap Your Business! Search our course list for the other 3 courses: Target Marketing: Find Your Tribe and Niche, Master Your Abundance Mindset, and Achieving Your Goals and Dreams. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Do you want develop one of the most important skills in marketing, copywriting? Are you an entrepreneur with an epic product or service but your sales just aren’t what they should be? Effective copywriting can help! Do you have an important message but you feel like people just aren’t getting it… or they seem to get it but just DON’T BUY? Effective copywriting can help! Do you find yourself trying to explain what you do but sometimes it just does not come across effectively? Effective copywriting can help! Do you have a hard time or feel uncomfortable “selling” because you’re not really sure how to explain the benefits of what you offer? Effective copywriting can help! Do you have a website with low or no sales ? Effective copywriting can help! Are you stumped about how to write effective marketing copy? If this sounds like you, you’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs that have a fantastic product or service put a lot of time and effort into marketing but have poor results because of ineffective copywriting. A HUGE cause of lack of desired sales or growth is COMMUNICATION… marketing isn’t just about putting information out into the world about what you have to offer… it’s about EXPRESSING YOUR MESSAGE in a way that is both appealing and converts to sales. This course provides proven copywriting techniques that will help you clearly communicate your message, target your market, and lead to sales. Through instructor videos and detailed PDF worksheets we’ll walk you through developing effective copywriting skills that will help you  write effective marketing copy, both for print marketing material and your website. In this copywriting blueprint you will learn how to: ·        Express your core message ·        Attract to your ideal target market ·        Establish credibility ·        Communicate the value you offer ·        Appeal to your clients’ problems and needs ·        Select powerful keywords ·        Write effective marketing copy ·        Write website copy that leads to sales ·        Master your elevator speech Plus, we’ll go over a variety of marketing strategies you can use to get your message out there! So, are you ready to take your marketing to the next level? If so enroll now , we look forward to seeing you in the course! Guarantee: We know you will love this course. However, we offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors,  speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the  field of psychology and life coaching and our greatest passion is  empowering others to live life on their terms, fulfill their potential,  and embrace their greater purpose. All of our programs are designed  based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and  education, as well Joeel’s Masters Degree in Counseling and research on  happiness for his dissertation for a PhD in psychology. We have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries.
              This course is perfect for forward thinking entrepreneurs and virtually anyone who wants to learn and master the skills necessary to produce podcast interviews that attract and keep listeners. If you're an entrepreneur trying to build your online presence or a seasoned professional looking to polish your current podcasting product, Jeff delivers. What others say about Jeff's course: "Easy to follow and learn...very straight forward... I highly recommend this cours e." - Tom Carty "Jeff knows his stuff." - Thrandur Arnthorsson "... fresh, remarkably concise, and a pack full of tips." - April Alunsina Pagaling It's been said that you only have one shot to make a first impression. If your interviews don't stand out and engage your audience , all the work you put into drawing loyal listeners found backfire. With thousands of podcasts available if they aren't convinced yours is worth listening to, they will tune out and never return. Enroll now, grab your audience and crush your competition. The lectures are created with the goal of passing on 30 plus years of interviewing tips, skills and shortcuts guaranteed to set you apart from your podcasting competitors. When it comes to learning how to do over the top interviews, Jeff cuts your learning curve saving you time and the embarrassment of producing a less than professional product. This course is divided into 4 segments and 13 lessons to systematically take you step by step from understanding the different types of podcasts and interviews to the nuts and bolts of fine-tuning your interviewing skills. Jeff has geared his material for everyone from the beginning podcaster, to seasoned podcasters who've yet to master interviewing skills or are looking to take their interviewing skills and techniques to a new level of excellence. When you've completed the course, you'll have learned: - What questions to ask yourself before you decide on a format for your podcast. - How to formulate questions that draw insightful responses from your guests. - What to listen for during your interview that amateur and novice hosts seldom take advantage of. - The one interviewing technique most podcasters never use that can be a game changer. - Production techniques to keep an audience tuned in from start to finish and a real life example of what that sounds like. - Your own personal check list to properly prepare for every interview. - PLUS - The wisdom of 30 + years of interviewing skills and insider tips and techniques. Jeff has been interviewing newsmakers, celebrities and every day people from news environments to his role as host of a daily radio talk show, video story producer and live seminar facilitator. During the course of his career Jeff has interviewed everyone from a sitting Vice President of the United States to Hollywood stars, Corporate Executives, authors and more. Jeff's course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied, we'll return your invest. Don't make the mistake of putting hours of work into interviews that you won't be satisfied with. Make the commitment to do it right and deliver a product you can be proud of, builds your audience and drives traffic to your product, service or idea.
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                Personal Finances with Neelam Dhall CPA, CA, AccFM Vital Keys to build your wealth Neelam Dhall, CPA, CA, AccFM, Divorce Coach, Personal Financial Coach and Author Neelam Dhall an AccFM (Accredited Family Mediator) with over 21 years of experience in Finance, Contract Negotiation and Contract Management.  She is well-versed in the complexities of separation/divorce, from dealing with parenting plans to dealing with the financial aspects of divorce to navigating the stressful process of preparing for and attending court. Neelam is well-respected for her compassionate, calm approach and her eye for detail.  She has an exceptional ability to provide clarity and direction in a supportive, comfortable and neutral environment. Neelam's finance background enables her to mediate and assist you with resolving your divorce-related financial issues in a highly effective manner.  Her ability to mediate all matters in a divorce allows you to resolve your issues efficiently and cost-effectively with one person. Having been through her own divorce, she understands the turmoil and stress that are brought on by divorce. She understands the complexities and emotions involved in creating parenting plans and dealing with the financial implications of divorce.  She is passionate about helping families resolve their disputes in a less stressful and less costly manner and finds it very rewarding to help her clients restore peace in their lives. Most people don't plan to fail, They fail to plan.
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                  Everyone knows someone that's making a lot of money through Affiliate or CPA Marketing. You ask yourself, what do they know that I don't? Well, the answer is not a whole lot more. It's a lot easier than you think. Let me show you how to get accepted into a CPA/Affiliate Network, sort through the offers to pick the right ones you should promote, and then go through the step by step innovative process that I use to make money myself. You can replicate this process over and over again! Enroll Today. Start your Journey to Financial Freedom tomorrow.
                    This course is all about website copywriting: what to write, how to write it, and how to ensure your business' website copy makes the right impression on your audience. You don't need to be (or hire) an award-winning copywriter to get great results with your website. This short course will show you how to write your web copy quickly, confidently and effectively, for each of the 7 essential pages of your business website: Homepage About Me page Services page Products page Resources page Privacy policy page Contact page Whether you're a coach or a consultant, an author or a speaker, a freelancer or a blogger, a mathematics tutor or a magician, your website will need most or all of these 7 pages - and you'll need the right words to put on each page. This course will give you the vital copywriting skills required to write your website copy yourself. Easy-to-follow examples and optional templates are provided to help you write compelling website copy without starting from a blank page every time. For those who prefer to sit and read, we also have an optional companion book that you can use to enhance your knowledge of web copywriting best practice.